How to uninstall - ZiaUrR3hman/LinkedSocialToolkit GitHub Wiki

If you want to uninstall Linked Social Toolkit, follow below steps on your respective browser.

Google Chrome

  1. Open Chrome’s menu
  2. Select β€œMore tools”
  3. Click on β€œExtensions”
  4. Find the Tampermonkey entry and click on β€œRemove”
  5. Confirm with β€œRemove” again

How to uninstall Tampermonkey extension on Google Chrome

How to uninstall Tampermonkey extension on Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Firefox’s menu
  2. Select β€œAdd-ons”
  3. Find the Tampermonkey entry and click on β€œRemove”

How to uninstall Tampermonkey addon Mozilla Firefox


  1. Open Opera’s menu
  2. Click on β€œExtensions”
  3. Find the Tampermonkey entry, hover on it and click on β€œRemove” icon
  4. Click on β€œOK” to confirm

How to uninstall Tampermonkey extension on Opera

How to uninstall Tampermonkey extension on Opera

Microsoft Edge

  1. Open Microsoft Edge’s menu
  2. Click on β€œExtensions”
  3. Find the Tampermonkey entry, right click on it and click on β€œUninstall” icon
  4. Click on β€œOK” to confirm

How to uninstall Tampermonkey extension on Microsoft edge

How to uninstall Tampermonkey extension on Microsoft edge