Home - ZhihengZhou/Software_Engineering_Wiki GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the sample wiki for Software engineering course for SDUW (2020)!
This is a sample wiki for your first part of assignment. In this assignment, you are required to create multiple wiki pages to introduce several programming frameworks in groups (contain 8 to 10 students). You can choose any programming framework as topic, e.g. Django for web development. Please note that different groups should have different frameworks as topic.
You are welcome to clone this wiki to you local folder and inspect it, you can type below command in your terminal/command-line to clone this wiki:
git clone https://github.com/ZhihengZhou/Software_Engineering_Wiki.wiki.git
In this wiki, we will introduce
This wiki is inspired by following Github projects' wiki, please feel free to take a look for these wiki(s):
- [online] Available at: https://www.ozassignments.com/solution/itech7410-software-engineering-methodology-proof-reading-services [Accessed 29 April 2020]