WWDC Session - ZhiJianShuSheng/Read-And-Learn GitHub Wiki
App Framework
Advanced ScrollView Techniques Session 104 (iOS) 多方向滚动,不使用CATiledLayer放大缩小改变分辨率
Advanced Text Processing Session 128 (iOS,OS X) 分析文本内容包括正则表达式,data detectors,linguistic APIs,拼写检查等
Auto Save and Version in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Session 107 (OS X) 自动保存特性,提到如何实现和best practices,还会提到NSDocument相关
Cocoa Autolayout Session 103 (OS X) 在Mac OS X 10.0里引入Autolayout
Customizing the Appearance of UIKit Controls Session 114 (iOS) 在iOS 5里可以通过Appearance APIs来自定义控件
Design Patterns to Simplify Mac Accessibility Session 127 (OS X) Accessibility相关
Designing User Interfaces for iOS and Mac OS X Apps Session 110 (iOS,OS X) 设计UI
Full Screen and Aqua Changes Session 113 (OS X) Lion系统新的全屏模式,包括一些tips和示例代码
Getting Your Apps Ready for China and other Hot New Markets Session 131 (iOS) 发布应用到中国和其它新的市场
Implementing UIViewController Containment Session 102 (iOS) UIViewController确保接受到appearance和旋转的callbacks,presentation的新方法
Improving the Stability of Your Apps Session 123 (iOS) 怎么测试和调试,从edge case到普通的pitfalls,学习一些能够保证能够在多设备和不同iOS上跑起来的tips和tricks
Latent Semantic Mapping: Exposing the Meaning behind Words and Documents Session 136 (OS X) LSM潜在语义映射,介绍如何使用LSM让自己应用的文件更容易让用户发现,排序,过滤,分类和恢复。学习LSM的command-line tool。
Lion-Sized Automation Session 133 (OS X) Automator工作流,AppleScript的使用
Making the Most of Multi-Touch on iOS Session 118 (iOS) 多点触控,学习Multi-Touch APIs
Performing Calendar Calculations Session 117 (iOS,OS X) 日历中的计算技巧,对应各种不同的日历
Polishing your App:Tips and Tricks to Improve Responsiveness and Performance Session 105 (iOS)
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