Graph Algorithms - ZheWang711/Notebook_Algo GitHub Wiki


Adjancy-Map Data Structure



Specifically, for each vertex v, we maintain a collection I(v), called the incidence collection of v, whose entries are edges incident to v. In adjancy map, we use a hash-based map (Python Dictionary) to implement I(v).
For each vertex v. Let the opposite endpoint of each incident edge serve as a key in the map, with the edge structure serving as the value.


self._outgoing = {}    # only create second map for directed graph; use alias for undirected
self._incoming = {} if directed else self. outgoing

Insert Vertex

self._outgoing[new_vertex] = {}
if self.isdirected:
    self._incoming[new_vertex] = {}

Insert Edge

self._outgoing[tail][head] = new_edge
self._incoming[head][tail] = new_edge

Remove Edge

del self._outgoing[tail][head]
del self._incoming[head][tail]

Remove Vertex

del self._outgoing[v]
for edge_map in self._outgoing.values:    # delete all edges coming towards v in self._outgoing
    if edge_map.get(v) is not None:
        del edge_map[v]
if self.isdirected:
    del self._incoming[v]
    for edge_map in self._incoming.values:    # delete all edges going out from v in self._incoming
        if edge_map.get(v) is not None:
            del edge_map[v]


  • Performance

Assuming m is the number of edges, and n is the number of vertices.

Operation Rumming Time Complexity
Insert Vertex O(1)
Insert Edge O(1) exp.
Remove Vertex O(dv )
Remove Edge O(1) exp.

Min Cut Problem

Cut: A cut of graph (V, E) is a partition of V into two non-empty sets A and B.

Crossing Edges: those edges with

  • one endpoint in each of (A, B) [undirected]
  • tail in A and head in B [directed]


  • INPUT: An directed graph G = (V, E), woth parallel edges allowed
  • GOAL: Compute a aut with fewest number of crossing edges
  • Applications:
    • identify network bottlenecks / weakness
    • image segmentation
    • community detection in social networks

Karger's Random Contraction Algorithm

while there are more than 2 vertices:
  pick a remaining edge (u, v) uniformly at random
  merge (contract) u and v into a single vertexd
  remove self-loops
return cut represented by final 2 vertices

Full implementation in Python, using union-set to improve the performance.

  • Using union-set to represent "large vertices".
  • Maintain a list to remember vertices/sets that are not merged yet
  • merge: when two vertices are mergering (randomly choosing 2 'vertices' from the vertices/sets list then remove them from the list) , union the corresponding vertices, then add the new vertex into the list.
  • remove self loop: Maintain a variable to remember the number of 'eliminating' edges during merging process when two vertices are merging, the number of 'eliminating edges' is the count of edges crossing the two sets (one node in set A, the other node in set B)

Correncness Analysis

Cut is (A, B) is one of the correct answer.
F is the set of edges crossing A and B.
Si is the event that an edge of F is is contracted in iteration i. k is the number of edges crossing A and B. m is the number of edges. n is the number of vertices.

P[output is A and B] = P[never contracts an edge of F] = P[ S(1) and S(2) and ... and S(n-1)] 
Key Observation:

m >= 0.5 * k * n

  1. Consider each vertex as a cut (i.e. cut{v}, cut{G-v}), since k is min cut number , then we have degree[v] >= k for each vertex v.
  2. The sum of degree for each vertex, SUM, in G, we have SUM >= kn and SUM = 2 * m
  3. Combine the 2 equations in step 2, we have m >= 0.5 * k * n, QED.
Probability of succeed

Karger Proof


Iteration Time Pr[all fall]
n^2 1/e
n^2ln(n) 1/n

Graph Search

Breadth First Search

The BFS algorithm can explore the vertices that are reachable from source s layer by layer. It can compute the connected components of undirected graphs, and the distance from s to each reachable vertices.
Running time O(m + n).

BFS Implementation

The main part of BFS algorithm is a while loop, which maintain a queue Q to manage the set of frontier vertices(the explored vertices that have not yet had there adjacency list fully explored).
Loop invariant: At each begin time of the while loop the queue Q consists of the set of frontier vertices.

BFS(G, s):
  mark all vertices in G unexplored
  mark s as explored
  s.d = 0
  s.pi = None
  Q = queue(s)
  while Q is not empty:
    u = Q.deque()
    for each v in u.neighbours():
      if v is not explored:
        v.d = u.d + 1
        v.pi = u
  • During execution, BFS discovers every vertex v in V that are reachable from s
  • Upon termination, for each v in V that are reachable from s, v.d = distance from s to v.
  • During the execution of BFS, we define a predecessor subgraph G' of G, where G' = (V', E'); and V' = {v in V where v.pi != None} U {s}, and E' = {(v.pi, v): v in V' -{s}}. The subgraph G' is a breadth first tree: V' consists all vertices reachable from s and G' contains a unique simple path from s to v that is also a shortest path from s to v in G.

bread-first-tree figure

Compute connected components in undirected graph
def connecting_components(self):
    cnt = 1
    for i in self.outgoing.keys():
        if not i.is_explored:
            print("component {0}".format(cnt))
            cnt += 1

Depth First Search

2 time stamps (implemented by global variable) for each vertex:

  • u.d: the time when the vertex is discovered.
  • u.f: the time when the vertex is finished explored (all adjacent vertices are finished).

2 means of implementation:

  • using stack
def DFS(self, source):
    Depth first search using stack
    :param source: the source vertex object

    This DFS Algorithm maintain a stack S, whose values are tuples, with
    (vertex v, a list a unexplored neighbour vertices of v).

    Vertex v is in the stack if and only if there is at least one neighbour of v that is remain unexplored
    time = 1
    source.d = time
    print('time {0}: vertex {1} discover'.format(source.d,
    source.is_explored = True
    S = [(source, randomize(list(self.outgoing[source].keys())))]

    while len(S) != 0:
        vertex, neighbours = S.pop()
        if len(neighbours) == 0:
            time += 1
            vertex.f = time
            print('time {0}: vertex {1} finished'.format(vertex.f,
        if len(neighbours) != 0:
            tmp = neighbours[0]
            del neighbours[0]
            S.append((vertex, neighbours))
            tmp.is_explored = True
            tmp_neighbours = randomize([ver for ver in self.outgoing[tmp].keys() if not ver.is_explored])
            S.append((tmp, tmp_neighbours))
            time += 1
            tmp.d = time
            print('time {0}: vertex {1} discover'.format(tmp.d,
  • recursive implementation
def DFS_r(self, source):
        Depth first search recursive implementation
        source.d = self.time
        self.time += 1
        source.d = self.time
        source.is_explored = True
        print('time {0} discover {1}'.format(source.d,
        for i in self.outgoing[source].keys():
            if not i.is_explored:
        self.time += 1
        source.f = self.time
        print('time {0} finish {1}'.format(source.f,
Topological sort
  mark all nodes as unexplored
  current_label = n    [to keep track of the ordering]
  for each vertex
    if v not yet explored:
      DFS(G, v)

DFS(G, s):
  for every edge (s, v):
    if v not yet explored
      mark v explored
      DFS(G, v)
  set f(s) = current_label
  current label -= 1
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️