Elections - ZephyrTransport/management GitHub Wiki

Responsible people:

  • President: identifies # of seats, calls election
  • Secretary: administers election


  1. Early May: President should finalize # of open seats.
  • This is usually 2, sometimes 3.
  • President should interview existing board members to identify those rotating off.
  1. Mid May: Secretary should create and open a nominations form.
  • Using Google Forms, this can basically be copied from previous year
  1. Mid May: Secretary with help from Communications Committee should announce nominations are open. .
  • Mailchimp newsletter, twitter, slack and TMIP listserv at a minimum
  • Update elections webpage, add nominations to front headline
  1. Late May: Secretary with help from Communications Committee should send out a last call for new members and membership renewals
  • Mailchimp newsletter, twitter, slack
  • Include a reminder to submit nominations
  1. Late May: Secretary with help from Member Coordinator should send personal reminders to expired members to renew.
  • Usually done with personal emails.
  • Include a reminder to submit nominations
  1. Late May: President in consultation with the Secretary will finalize when elections will be called and the overall schedule
  • This will determine when memberships close/are eligible
  1. Late May/Early June: President with help of Communications Committee should announce elections and elections schedule
  • Per bylaws, must be 10-60 days ahead of ‘meeting’
  • Should include a last push call for nominations
  • Put schedule on the website /elections and front page
  • Public schedule should include:
    • nominations close
    • ballot announced
    • electronic elections open
    • member election meeting
    • electronic elections close
    • results announced
    • board meeting (make sure to invite board members!)

==> one more push for nominations...

  1. ~Early June (schedule-dependent): Secretary should close nominations
  • Remove links from website
  1. ~Early June (schedule-dependent): Secretary should confirm nomination with nominees and send them some todos with a deadline
  • Nominee todos:
    • affirm willingness to serve if elected,
    • name and affiliation spelling,
    • diversity affiliations they self-identify with,
    • ~1 paragraph candidate statement to be posted on ballot, website, and read in event they can't make the meeting.
  1. ~Early June (schedule-dependent): Secretary should compile a list of active and eligible members
  • make sure we have good emails for them.
  • make sure their status is up-to-date in mailchimp, member management systems, website at /members
  1. ~Early June: Secretary should test online voting system.
  • Previous elections have used election runner and have cost $15
  1. ~Early June (schedule-dependent): Secretary should create ballot in online election form
  • will include chasing info down from candidates
  1. ~Early June (schedule-dependent): Secretary should with help from Communications Committee should announce candidates
  • add candidates to /elections and update homepage
  • send Mailchimp email to get people to review candidates and check that they are listed on /members page if they think they should be members
  1. ~Early June (schedule-dependent): President should send calendar invite for online election meeting
  • send to valid members, board members, and nominees.
  1. ~Early June (schedule-dependent): President with help of Secretary should devise a presentation for the member meeting .

  2. ~Early June (schedule-dependent): Secretary should send online election ballots

  3. ~Early June (schedule-dependent): President and Secretary should preside over election meeting .

  4. ~Mid June (schedule-dependent): President should create and distribute agenda for annual board meeting

  5. ~Mid June (schedule-dependent): Secretary with help of Communications Team should compile and announces election result

  • check with winning candidates
  • send announcement on Mailchimp
    _ update website
  1. ~Late June: Hold annual board meeting .
  • elect chair, officers .
  • committee composition