Logo - ZenHarbinger/torgo GitHub Wiki


Since torgo uses ANTLR for language parsing, a grammar file is used to specify the structure of the code. While not completely documented, this grammar file can give an insight into how the language behaves.

Logo Commands

Commands in Torgo are case sensitive! ###repeat Repeat is a command for repeating a block of code a specified number of times.

###fd | forward Fd is for forward; which tells the turtle to move a specified number of pixels forward.

###bk | backward Bk is for backward; which tells the turtle to move a specified number of pixel backward.

###rt | right Rt is for right; which tells the turtle to move a specified number of degrees (NOT radian) to the right.

###lt | left Lt is for left; which tells the turtle to move a specified number of degrees (NOT radian) to the left.

###cs | cls | clear | clearscreen Cs is for clear screen. Resets the graphics on the screen.

###pu | penup Pu is for pen up. This allows movement of the turtle without drawing on the screen.

###pd | pendown Pd is for pen down. Any movement the turtle makes after pd (until pu is called) will draw on the screen.

###ht | hideturtle Ht is for hide turtle. Makes it so that the turtle is now shown on the screen.

###st | showturtle St is for show turtle. Makes it so that you can see the turtle on the screen.

###home Home moves the turtle to the center of the drawing area and points the turtle facing straight up.

###setxy Moves the turtle to the specified X Y coordinates.

###make Set a variable value.

###localmake Set a variable value at a local level.

###if If blocks allow condition testing. If the condition is true, then the internal block is executed. Supported conditional testing are:

  • '<'
  • '>'
  • '=='
  • '='
  • '<='
  • '>='
  • '!='
  • '<>'

###stop Stop will allow a block of code to exit from a function.

###for Allow a for loop. For loops initialize a variable and will loop through the desired values. For loops can increment or decrement in value; this behavior is determined by the start/stop values. An optional step value can be specified as a thrid argument to the for command.

###pc | pencolor Set the pen color. This can be hex, r g b, or by name.

###cc | canvascolor Set the canvas color. This can be hex, r g b, or by name.

###pause Pause execution for a specified amount of time. Time is specified in milli-seconds.

###ds | drawstring Draws a specified string to the screen.

###fontsize Set the font-size for drawing strings.

###fontstyle Set the font-style for drawing strings (italic, bold, plain).

###fontname Set the font-name for drawing strings.

###print Print a value to the console.