Locale EN - Zedd7/ZHorse GitHub Wiki
This is the default content of locale_EN.yml
, a locale file for the English language that is automatically generated when ZHorse is (re)loaded and that the file is missing from the plugin folder.
Version: 1.8.2
# You can use any of the following color flag formats : "&4", <4>, <dark_red>, <DARKRED>.
# You can rework any message in this file but DO NOT add/remove flags that are not color flags !
# However, you can swap any flag within the same line. That is their main purpose.
# Example: "<player> just gave you <horse>" or "<horse> has been given to you by <player>".
pluginPrefix: "<green>[ZHorse]"
headerFormat: "<green>-+- <value> <green>-+-"
pluginHeader: "<gold><value> <yellow>(by <gold><player><yellow>)"
horseInfoHeader: "<gold>Horse data"
commandListHeader: "<gold>ZHorse's commands <value>"
subCommandListHeader: "<gold>/zh <value> sub-commands"
friendListFormat: "<gold><player><yellow>"
aliveHorseListHeader: "<gold>Your living horses <value> <value>"
aliveHorseListOtherHeader: "<gold><player>'s living horses <value> <value>"
aliveHorseListFormat: "<yellow><id><gold> - <yellow><horse><value><value>"
aliveHorseListFormatFavorite: "<yellow><id><gold> - <yellow><horse><value><value> <gold>(<yellow>favorite<gold>)"
deadHorseListHeader: "<gold>Your dead horses <value> <value>"
deadHorseListOtherHeader: "<gold><player>'s dead horses <value> <value>"
deadHorseListFormat: "<yellow>X<gold> - <yellow><horse><value> <gold>(<yellow><value><gold>)"
remainingClaimsFormat: "<yellow>(<gold><amount><yellow>/<gold><max><yellow>)"
commandWikiHeader: "<green>Wiki: <yellow>https://github.com/Zedd7/ZHorse/wiki/Commands"
commandUsageHeader: "<green>Legend: <gold>/command <yellow>mandatoryParams (optionalParams)"
commandUsageFormat: "<green>Usage: <value>"
pageNumberFormat: "<yellow>(p. <gold><amount><yellow>/<gold><max><yellow>)"
horseOptionFormat: "<gold><value><yellow>"
availableOptionFormat: "<gold><value><yellow>"
commandCooldown: "<red> (<amount> s)"
claimsLimitReached: "<yellow>Your claims limit has been reached."
claimsLimitReachedOther: "<gold><player><yellow>'s claims limit has been reached."
databaseImportFailure: "<yellow>The <gold><value><yellow> data could not be imported into your current database. See logs for details."
databaseImportStarted: "<yellow>The <gold><value><yellow> data import has started..."
databaseImportSuccess: "<yellow>The <gold><value><yellow> data have been successfully imported into your current database."
deadHorsesCleared: "<yellow>Your dead horses have been cleared from the database."
deadHorsesClearedOther: "<gold><player><yellow>'s dead horses have been cleared from the database."
favoriteAlreadySet: "<yellow>You have already defined <gold><horse><yellow> as your favorite horse."
favoriteAlreadySetOther: "<gold><player><yellow> has already defined <gold><horse><yellow> as his favorite horse."
favoriteSet: "<gold><horse><yellow> is now your favorite horse."
favoriteSetOther: "<gold><horse><yellow> is now the favorite horse of <gold><player><yellow>."
friendAdded: "<gold><player><yellow> has been added to your friends list."
friendAddedReverse: "<gold><player><yellow> has added you to their friends list."
friendAlreadyAdded: "<gold><player><yellow> is already in your friends list."
friendList: "<yellow>Your friends list: <value>"
friendListOther: "<gold><player><yellow>'s friend list: <value>"
friendListReverse: "<yellow>Friends lists to which you belong: <value>"
friendListReverseOther: "<yellow>Friends lists to which <gold><player><yellow> belongs: <value>"
friendRemoved: "<gold><player><yellow> has been removed from your friends list."
friendRemovedReverse: "<gold><player><yellow> has removed you from his friends list."
horseAlreadyClaimed: "<yellow>You have already claimed this horse."
horseAlreadyForSale: "<gold><horse><yellow> is already for sale."
horseBelongsTo: "<yellow>That horse belongs to <gold><player><yellow>."
horseBought: "<yellow>You bought <gold><horse><yellow> for <gold><currency><amount><yellow>."
horseClaimed: "<gold><horse><yellow> was successfully claimed."
horseCleared: "<gold><horse><yellow> has been cleared from the database."
horseClearedOther: "<gold><player><yellow>'s <gold><horse><yellow> has been cleared from the database."
horseDied: "<gold><horse><yellow> just died in agony."
horseEdited: "<yellow>Statistics of <gold><horse><yellow> have been edited."
horseFreed: "<yellow>Freedom was given to <gold><horse><yellow>."
horseGiven: "<yellow>You gave <gold><horse><yellow> to <gold><player><yellow>."
horseHealed: "<gold><horse><yellow> has been fully healed."
horseIsProtected: "<gold><horse><yellow> is protected against attacks."
horseKilled: "<gold><horse><yellow> was just killed by <gold><player><yellow>."
horseLeashed: "<gold><horse><yellow> is leashed to a fence."
horseLeashedBy: "<gold><horse><yellow> is leashed by <gold><player><yellow>."
horseLocked: "<gold><horse><yellow> is now protected against thieves."
horseManuallyTamed: "<yellow>Congratulations! You can now use <gold>/zh claim (name)<yellow> if you want."
horseMounted: "<yellow>You are already mounting <gold><horse><yellow>."
horseMountedBy: "<gold><horse><yellow> is currently mounted by <gold><player><yellow>."
horseNameBanned: "<yellow>The name <gold><horse><yellow> is banned."
horseNameForbidden: "<yellow>You are not allowed to give this horse a name."
horseNameMandatory: "<yellow>You must give a name to this horse."
horseNameTooLong: "<yellow>The name can't exceed <gold><amount><yellow> characters."
horseNameTooShort: "<yellow>The name must be at least <gold><amount><yellow> characters."
horseNotClaimed: "<yellow>You must claim this horse first."
horseNotForSale: "<gold><horse><yellow> is not for sale."
horseNotFound: "<gold><horse><yellow> could not be found in this server."
horseNotTamed: "<yellow>You must tame this horse first."
horseOutOfRange: "<gold><horse><yellow> is beyond the <gold><max><yellow>-blocks maximum range."
horseProtected: "<gold><horse><yellow> is now protected against some types of damage."
horsePutUpForSale: "<gold><horse><yellow> was put up for sale for <gold><currency><amount><yellow>."
horseReceived: "<gold><player><yellow> gave you <gold><horse><yellow> !"
horseRenamed: "<yellow>This horse is now known as <gold><horse><yellow>."
horseResurrected: "<gold><horse><yellow> has been resurrected."
horseShared: "<gold><horse><yellow> can now be used by everyone."
horseSold: "<yellow>You sold <gold><horse><yellow> to <gold><player><yellow> for <gold><currency><amount><yellow>."
horseSpawned: "<yellow>A new horse has been successfully summoned."
horseTamed: "<yellow>You successfully tamed this horse."
horseTeleported: "<gold><horse> <yellow>has been teleported to you."
horseTeleportedToStable: "<gold><horse><yellow> was teleported to its stable."
horseUnlocked: "<gold><horse><yellow> is no longer protected against thieves."
horseUnprotected: "<gold><horse><yellow> is no longer protected against damage."
horseUnshared: "<gold><horse><yellow> is no longer shared with people."
horseUntamed: "<yellow>Horse successfully untamed."
horseWithdrawnFromSale: "<gold><horse><yellow> has been withdrawn from sale."
idsSwapped: "<yellow>The two horse IDs have been swapped."
invalidEditArgument: "<gold><value><yellow> is not a valid argument for /zh edit."
invalidHealthArgument: "<yellow>The health must be between <gold><amount><yellow> and <gold><max><yellow>."
invalidJumpArgument: "<yellow>The jump strength must be between <gold><amount><yellow> and <gold><max><yellow>."
invalidPageNumber: "<gold><value><yellow> is not a valid page number."
invalidSpawnArgument: "<gold><value><yellow> is not a valid argument for /zh spawn."
invalidSpeedArgument: "<yellow>The speed must be between <gold><amount><yellow> and <gold><max><yellow>."
invalidStrengthArgument: "<yellow>The llama strength must be between <gold><amount><yellow> and <gold><max><yellow>."
languageAlreadyUsed: "<yellow>You are already using the language <gold><lang><yellow>."
languageAlreadyUsedOther: "<gold><player><yellow> is already using the language <gold><lang><yellow>."
languageSet: "<yellow>You are now using the language <gold><lang><yellow>."
languageSetOther: "<gold><player><yellow> is now using the language <gold><lang><yellow>."
listHorseColor: "<yellow>Horse color: <value>"
listHorseStyle: "<yellow>Horse style: <value>"
listHorseVariant: "<yellow>Variant: <value>"
listLlamaColor: "<yellow>Llama color: <value>"
livingHorsesCleared: "<yellow>Your living horses have been cleared from the database."
livingHorsesClearedOther: "<gold><player><yellow>'s living horses have been cleared from the database."
missingArguments: "<yellow>Incorrect number or type of arguments. Do as follows :"
missingDatabase: "<yellow>You must provide a database. Please use one of the following: <value><yellow>."
missingHorseId: "<yellow>You must provide a horse ID, please type <gold>/zh list<yellow> and choose an ID."
missingHorseIds: "<yellow>You must provide two horse IDs, please type <gold>/zh list<yellow> and choose two IDs."
missingLanguage: "<yellow>You must provide a language. Please use one the following: <value><yellow>."
missingPermission: "<yellow>You don't have the <gold><perm><yellow> permission."
missingPermissionOther: "<gold><player><yellow> doesn't have the <gold><perm><yellow> permission."
missingStatsDisplayMode: "<yellow>You must provide a stats display mode. Please use one the following: <value><yellow>."
missingTarget: "<yellow>You must provide a player name."
noDeadHorseOwned: "<yellow>You don't own any dead horses. <value>"
noDeadHorseOwnedOther: "<gold><player><yellow> doesn't own any dead horses. <value>"
noFriend: "<yellow>You don't have any friends."
noFriendOther: "<gold><player><yellow> doesn't have any friends."
noFriendReverse: "<yellow>Nobody has added you as a friend."
noFriendReverseOther: "<yellow>Nobody has added <gold><player><yellow> as a friend."
noHorseOwned: "<yellow>You don't own any living horses. <value>"
noHorseOwnedOther: "<gold><player><yellow> doesn't own any living horses. <value>"
notOnHorse: "<yellow>You must be on a horse to perform this command."
playerCommand: "<yellow>You must be a player to perform this command."
playerOffline: "<gold><player><yellow> must be online in order to perform this command."
pluginReloaded: "<gold><value><yellow> has been successfully reloaded."
pluginReloadedWithErrors: "<gold><value><yellow> has been reloaded with errors."
remainingCooldown: "<yellow>You must wait <gold><amount> s<yellow> for the cooldown of this command to expire."
samePlayer: "<yellow>You can't target yourself."
stableNotSet: "<yellow>You must define the location of <gold><horse><yellow>'s stable first."
stableSet: "<yellow>The stable of <gold><horse><yellow> has been set at your location."
stableUnset: "<yellow>The stable of <gold><horse><yellow> has been unset."
statsDisplayModeAlreadyUsed: "<yellow>You are already using the display mode <gold><value><yellow>."
statsDisplayModeAlreadyUsedOther: "<gold><player><yellow> is already using the display mode <gold><value><yellow>."
statsDisplayModeSet: "<yellow>You are now using the display mode <gold><value><yellow>."
statsDisplayModeSetOther: "<gold><player><yellow> is now using the display mode <gold><value><yellow>."
teleportedToHorse: "<yellow>You have been teleported to <gold><horse><yellow>."
unknownCommand: "<gold><value><yellow> is not a ZHorse command."
unknownDatabase: "<yellow>This is not a supported database. Please use one the following: <value>"
unknownFriend: "<gold><player><yellow> is not in your friends list."
unknownHorseId: "<yellow>You don't own any horse with ID <gold><id><yellow>."
unknownHorseIdOther: "<gold><player><yellow> doesn't own any horse with ID <gold><id><yellow>."
unknownHorseName: "<yellow>You don't own any horse named <gold><horse><yellow>."
unknownHorseNameOther: "<gold><player><yellow> doesn't own any horses named <gold><horse><yellow>."
unknownLanguage: "<gold><lang><yellow> is not a supported language. Please use one the following: <value>"
unknownPlayer: "<gold><player><yellow> is not a registered player."
unknownStatsDisplayMode: "<yellow>This is not a supported display mode. Please use one the following: <value>"
unknownSubCommand: "<gold><value><yellow> is not a /zh <value> sub-command."
unknownVariant: "<gold><value><yellow> is not a horse variant. Please use one the following: <value>"
worldDisabled: "<gold>ZHorse<yellow> is disabled on this world."
worldUncrossable: "<yellow>Teleportation between your world and <gold><horse><yellow>'s world is blocked."
affordableColor: "<green>"
unaffordableColor: "<red>"
commandCost: " (<currency><amount>)"
commandPaid: "<yellow>This command cost you <gold><currency><amount><yellow>."
currencySymbol: "$"
horsePrice: "<green> <currency><amount>"
notEnoughMoney: "<yellow>You don't have <gold><currency><amount><yellow>."
Horse informations:
health: "<yellow>Health: <gold><amount><yellow>/<gold><max>"
id: "<yellow>ID: <gold><id>"
jump: "<yellow>Jump strength: <gold><amount>"
location: "<yellow>Location: <gold><value>"
locked: "<gold>[<yellow>locked<gold>]"
name: "<yellow>Name: <gold><horse>"
owner: "<yellow>Owner: <gold><player>"
price: "<yellow>Price: <gold><currency><amount>"
protected: "<gold>[<yellow>protected<gold>]"
restricted: "<gold>[<yellow>restricted<gold>]"
shared: "<gold>[<yellow>shared<gold>]"
speed: "<yellow>Speed: <gold><amount>"
stable: "<yellow>Stable: <gold><value>"
status: "<yellow>Status: <gold><value>"
strength: "<yellow>Chest size: <gold><amount>"
variant: "<yellow>Variant: <gold><value>"
variantHorse: "<yellow><<gold>H<yellow>>"
variantDonkey: "<yellow><<gold>D<yellow>>"
variantMule: "<yellow><<gold>M<yellow>>"
variantLlama: "<yellow><<gold>L<yellow>>"
variantSkeleton: "<yellow><<gold>S<yellow>>"
variantZombie: "<yellow><<gold>Z<yellow>>"
Command descriptions:
admin: "<gold>/zh admin<gray>: <yellow>Manage ZHorse files."
buy: "<gold>/zh buy<gray>: <yellow>Buy the horse."
claim: "<gold>/zh claim<gray>: <yellow>Claim the horse."
edit: "<gold>/zh edit<gray>: <yellow>Edit statistics of the horse."
free: "<gold>/zh free<gray>: <yellow>Release the horse."
friend: "<gold>/zh friend<gray>: <yellow>Manage friends."
give: "<gold>/zh give<gray>: <yellow>Give the horse to another player."
heal: "<gold>/zh heal<gray>: <yellow>Heal the horse."
help: "<gold>/zh help<gray>: <yellow>Display the available commands."
here: "<gold>/zh here<gray>: <yellow>Teleport the horse to you."
info: "<gold>/zh info<gray>: <yellow>Display information about the horse."
kill: "<gold>/zh kill<gray>: <yellow>Kill the horse."
list: "<gold>/zh list<gray>: <yellow>Display the list of claimed horses."
lock: "<gold>/zh lock<gray>: <yellow>Protect the horse against theft."
protect: "<gold>/zh protect<gray>: <yellow>Prevent the horse from being hurt."
reload: "<gold>/zh reload<gray>: <yellow>Reload all ZHorse's files."
rename: "<gold>/zh rename<gray>: <yellow>Rename the horse."
rez: "<gold>/zh rez<gray>: <yellow>Resurrect the most recently dead horse."
sell: "<gold>/zh sell<gray>: <yellow>Put the horse up for sale."
settings: "<gold>/zh settings<gray>: <yellow>Adjust personal settings."
share: "<gold>/zh share<gray>: <yellow>Share the horse with other players."
spawn: "<gold>/zh spawn<gray>: <yellow>Spawn a custom horse at your location."
stable: "<gold>/zh stable<gray>: <yellow>Manage the horse's stable."
tame: "<gold>/zh tame<gray>: <yellow>Tame the horse."
tp: "<gold>/zh tp<gray>: <yellow>Teleport you to the horse."
Admin command descriptions:
burial: "<gold>/zh admin burial<gray>: <yellow>Clear all dead horses from the database."
clear: "<gold>/zh admin clear<gray>: <yellow>Clear a living horse from the database."
import: "<gold>/zh admin import<gray>: <yellow>Import external data in your current database."
Friend command descriptions:
add: "<gold>/zh friend add<gray>: <yellow>Add a player to your friends list."
list: "<gold>/zh friend list<gray>: <yellow>Display your friends list."
remove: "<gold>/zh friend remove<gray>: <yellow>Remove a player from your friends list."
Settings command descriptions:
favorite: "<gold>/zh settings favorite<gray>: <yellow>Define your favorite horse."
language: "<gold>/zh settings language<gray>: <yellow>Define the language of notifications."
stats: "<gold>/zh settings stats<gray>: <yellow>Define horse stats display mode."
swap: "<gold>/zh settings swap<gray>: <yellow>Swap two horse IDs."
Stable command descriptions:
go: "<gold>/zh stable go<gray>: <yellow>Teleport the horse to its stable."
set: "<gold>/zh stable set<gray>: <yellow>Define the horse's stable location."
unset: "<gold>/zh stable unset<gray>: <yellow>Unset the horse's stable location."
Command usages:
admin: "<gold>/zh admin<yellow> sub-command value1 (value2)"
buy: "<gold>/zh buy<yellow> (horseName) (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
claim: "<gold>/zh claim<yellow> (horseName) (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
edit: "<gold>/zh edit<yellow> ('tamed') ('adult' | 'baby') (health):(speed%):(jump%)"
free: "<gold>/zh free<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
friend: "<gold>/zh friend<yellow> sub-command (value)"
give: "<gold>/zh give<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p) playerName (-a)"
heal: "<gold>/zh heal<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
help: "<gold>/zh help<yellow> (#page | commandName) (-p playerName) (-a)"
here: "<gold>/zh here<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
info: "<gold>/zh info<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
kill: "<gold>/zh kill<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
list: "<gold>/zh list<yellow> (#page) (-p playerName) (-v variant) (-a)"
lock: "<gold>/zh lock<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
protect: "<gold>/zh protect<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
reload: "<gold>/zh reload<yellow> (-a)"
rename: "<gold>/zh rename<yellow> (horseName) (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
rez: "<gold>/zh rez<yellow> (horseName) (-p playerName) (-a)"
sell: "<gold>/zh sell<yellow> (price) (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
settings: "<gold>/zh settings<yellow> sub-command value"
share: "<gold>/zh share<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
spawn: "<gold>/zh spawn<yellow> ((-v) variant) (style) (color) ('tamed') ('adult' | 'baby') (health):(speed%):(jump%) (strength)"
stable: "<gold>/zh stable<yellow> sub-command"
tame: "<gold>/zh tame<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
tp: "<gold>/zh tp<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
Admin command usages:
burial: "<gold>/zh admin burial<yellow> (-p) playerName (-v variant) (-a)"
clear: "<gold>/zh admin clear<yellow> (-p) playerName (-i horseID | -v variant) (-a)"
import: "<gold>/zh admin import<yellow> database (-a)"
Friend command usages:
add: "<gold>/zh friend add<yellow> (-p) playerName (-a)"
list: "<gold>/zh friend list<yellow> (-p playerName) (-a)"
remove: "<gold>/zh friend remove<yellow> (-p) playerName (-a)"
Settings command usages:
favorite: "<gold>/zh settings favorite<yellow> (-i) horseID (-p playerName) (-a)"
language: "<gold>/zh settings language<yellow> value (-p playerName) (-a)"
stats: "<gold>/zh settings stats<yellow> displayMode (-p playerName) (-a)"
swap: "<gold>/zh settings swap<yellow> horseID1 horseID2 (-p playerName) (-a)"
Stable command usages:
go: "<gold>/zh stable go<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
set: "<gold>/zh stable set<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"
unset: "<gold>/zh stable unset<yellow> (-i horseID) (-p playerName) (-a)"