My Windows Development Environment under Boot Camp - ZappoMan/development-notes GitHub Wiki
- Development Tools Installed:
- Tools for HiFi -
Windows Specific Tools/Setup
Cross Platform Tools
- git/gitHub - I prefer to use the github shell
- cmake
Cross Platform Libraries
- Qt 5.2
- make sure to install Windows VS 2010 32bit OpenGL
- install in default location C:\Qt\Qt5.2.1
- use control panel to add QT_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to environment
- zLib
- Windows Installer here
- glm
- downloaded the zip
- expanded the contents into C:\Development\HiFi\external\glm
- Qt 5.2
Windows Specific Libraries
- easiest to install from the binaries download
- downloaded the zip
- expanded the contents into C:\Development\HiFi\external\glew
- NOTE: This may be changing, you may need to actually build glew32s.lib from source. Stay tuned.
- FreeGlut
- Install the MSVC2010 version from here
- downloaded the zip
- expanded the contents into C:\Development\HiFi\external\freeglut
HiFi Device Components, Tools, and SDK
- OpenNI
- Download 64bit Windows drivers from here
- FaceShift
- installed a special build for HiFi
- make sure to first install camera drivers as described here
- Razor Hydra
- install windows drivers from here
- [Sixense SDK] (
- This SDK is required to compile support for Hydra Razor in HiFi
- Install Steam - needed this to get Hydra SDK
- follow instructions here to download SDK from Steam
- follow instructions in the {hifi_root}/interface/external/sixense/readme.txt
- install the contents of the sixense SDK in your HIFI_LIB_DIR directory
- Qxmpp
- download latest, extract
- follow install directions in README
- cd to location of
- qmake PREFIX=C:\Development\HiFi\external\qxmpp
- nmake install
- OpenNI
- Tools for HiFi -
- MacBook Pro
- Apple Magic Trackpad
Windows OS/Boot Camp
- Boot Camp 5.2, 50GB partition
- Windows 7 Professional SP1
Windows to Mac OSX "Mappings"
- These tools allow me to keep my sanity by making Keyboard and mouse combinations I'm used to in Mac OSX replace their windows counter parts. Specifically things like cut/copy/paste and other editing key strokes, as well as things like three-finger window drag.
- Trackpad++
- This theoretically adds multi-touch support like 3-finger drag, but it doesn't work reliably, and may not be worth the headache. I'm still looking for a good replacement.
- AutoHotkey
- allows me to remap the standard Mac OSX keyboard combos to Windows equivalents
- download my script here
- SharpKeys
- Maps "Windows Key" to "Alt key"
- allows my AutoHotKey scripts to make the cut/copy/paste key combos work with "Command" key on my MBP keyboard
- Trackpad++
- These tools allow me to keep my sanity by making Keyboard and mouse combinations I'm used to in Mac OSX replace their windows counter parts. Specifically things like cut/copy/paste and other editing key strokes, as well as things like three-finger window drag.
General Software Installed: