x abandoned Yserbius Quests Notes By Map - ZaneDubya/MedievaLandsPublic GitHub Wiki
00 L1: Dungeon Entrance
01 L1: The Mines
- Quest: Finding the Palace
- Navigate to Cleowyn's Palace
- Best the King's Spirit.
- Continues to laying the king to rest quest.
02 L1: Vestibule
- Quest: Navigate all four paths in the Vestibule.
- Lockpick -> Key to KC's Palace
- KC's Key -> Palace Corridor Map
- Strength -> King's Domicile Map
03 L1: Hall Of Doors
- Quest: Find treasure in the center
04 L1: Treasury
- Quest: Loot the King's Treasury
05 L1: Soldier's Quarters
- Quest: Find treasure in the center
06 L2: Basement
07 L2: Palace Corridor
08 L2: Secret Room (1, 2, and 3)
- King Cleowyn's Quest: Find the Crown, Robe, and Scepter here
11 L2: Cleowyn's Palace
- King Cleowyn's Quest: Find King's Ring here
12 L3: Rune Room
13 L3: Prison
14 L3: Great Corridor
- Chess piece (used in Card Quest)
15 L3: Mausoleum
16 L4: King's Domicile
- Find the Kings' Domicile Key here
17 L5: Thieves Den
- Find the Thieves Key here
18 L5: Lava Cellar
19 L5: Pit Bottom
20 L6: Labyrinth I
- Castle Gate Quest: There must be an easier way to navigate through the Labryinth... (solved in Lab 4)
- Wind Knight's Quest (Rainbow Green Gem)
- Wind Knight's Key
21 L6: Castle Parapets
- Nature's Robe (Seasons Quest)
22 L7: Labyrinth II
- Find Voranti's Key here
- Find Ace of Spades here (for Card's Quest)
- Find Flex Metal here (used for Flex Sword Quest)
- Find Moon Prism here
23 L7: Castle Wizard Room
- Arnakkian's Quest (Rainbow Blue Gem)
24 L8: Labyrinth III
- Find the Back alley Key here (used to get to the Lab Back Alley, where you can get the Wolf Helmet and Kite Shield)
25 L8: Castle Great Hall
26 L9: Labyrinth IV
- Pheonix Quest
- Blue Metal (exchanged for Sunbeam Key)
27 L9: Arnakkian's Arena
28 L10: Elf Villages
- Seasons Quest
- Elfin Cave Quest (Rainbow Yellow Gem)
29 L11: Dwarf Kingdom
- Dwarf Kingdom Quest (Rainbow Red Gem)
- Find the Cyclops' Mine Key here
- Lost Mine Key here (used on the way to the Final Quest)
- Exchange Flex Metal for Flex Sword here
- Find Harvest Horn here (used in Seasons Quest, to get Flex Sword, protect from Tempest Winds)
- Pass through a door with the Sunbeam Key
- Exchange Cyclops Head for Golden Boat
30 L11: Land Of Giants
- A dwarf will turn blue metal into Sunbeam Key
- Get the Elfin Cave Key
- Find the Cyclops Head (for Golden Boat)
31 L11: River's End
32 L11: Island Of Eternity
33 L12: The Unknown
Other quests:
- Green Gem Quest
- Red Gem Quest
- Blue Gem Quest
- Yellow Gem Quest
- Card Quest
- Final Quest