Settings - Zalizyaka-Ney/ GitHub Wiki

By default the framework prints only warning and error messages in the android log. If you want to have debug messages as well, set another logger:

DatabaseLog.setLogger(new AndroidLogger(Log.DEBUG));

Pass null if you want to disable all logs from the framework. You also can use your own Logger implementation.

There are a couple of feathures turned off by default, but one might find them useful during the development.

The framework can check if a developer changed some database models, but forgot to increase the version of the database:

Database database = HandyStorage.defaultInstance().newDatabase(this, "mydatabase", 1)
		// add tables

It's recommended to disable this functionality in release builds.

It is a good practice to create a string constant for name of each column in model classes for database tables - this helps to avoid typos during selections and so on. The framework can enforce this code convention:

Database database = HandyStorage.defaultInstance().newDatabase(this, "mydatabase", 1)
		// add tables

A runtime exception will be thrown if any of those constants is missed.