Install VirtualBox on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6 (Apple gone bananas) - Zacorich/omegacoin GitHub Wiki

  1. Download and extract latest VirtualBox for Mac - link
  2. Start installation and follow instruction - link . Basically run following code in "Script Editor" app. To get correct coordinates press CMD+SHIFT+4 keys combination while cursor is over "Allow" button in System Preferences / Security & Privacy / General for "Oracle...". This is a new feature of Apple to block 3rd party "kext" - kerlen extensions - Apple Official Note
    tell application "System Events" to click at {880, 511}
  3. Once allow button disappeared being clicked by the script not your cursor(that is ridiculous!) try to install VirtualBox again and it should succeed
  4. Also to Allow Apps to run from Anywhere in macOS Gatekeeper you need to run following terminal command and you will see selection removed by Apple in System Preferences / Security & Privacy / General
    #to enable "Anywhere" selection
    sudo spctl --master-enable
    #to disable "Anywhere" selection
    sudo spctl --master-disable