Usable Functions (Other than ones in
ui_print <msg> - print <msg> to console
Use this instead of 'echo' as it will not display in custom recovery's console
Ex: ui_print "MMT Extended is awesome"
abort <msg> - print error message <msg> to console and terminate installation
Avoid using 'exit' as it will skip the termination cleanup steps
ex: abort "Error!"
set_perm <target> <owner> <group> <permission> [context] - sets the permissions of the <target> (file) - best to keep this in set_permissions of - it'll get overridden otherwise by installer
If [context] is not set, the default is "u:object_r:system_file:s0"
See for examples
set_perm_recursive <directory> <owner> <group> <dirpermission> <filepermission> [context] - sets the permissions of the <directory> (folder) - best to keep this in set_permissions of - it'll get overridden otherwise by installer
If [context] is not set, the default is "u:object_r:system_file:s0"
See for examples
grep_prop <value> [file] - gets a variable's <value> from specified <file>.
If no [file] is given, /system/build.prop is used
Ex: grep_prop id
is_mounted <partition> - Checks if <partition> is mounted. Returns a value if it is, returns nothing otherwise.
Ex: is_mounted /vendor
mktouch <file> [input] - Creates an empty <file>, the directories for that file, and optionally, writes [input] to the file.
Ex: mktouch /system/etc/
Ex2: mktouch /system/etc/excfg.conf "example text"
device_check <device> - Checks if android device or manufacturer is what's specified. Use -m flag to check manufacturer and either -d or no flash to check device.
Ex - returns true if device is a nexus 5x (bullhead): device_check "Bullhead"
Ex2: - returns true if device is a google one: device_check -m "Google"
install_script [type] <file> - Installs <file> (boot script) to proper location where [type] is equal to -p for post-fs-data, -l for service, or '-b' for boot-completed - $NVBASE/service.d, post-fs-data.d, or boot-completed.d (this is NOT for common/ and common/ scripts, this is for any extra boot scripts you have). Boot-completed is KSU only - if magisk detected, will be installed as service script and logic will be added to script so it'll run after boot.
To add as post-fs-data script: install_script -p $MODPATH/common/
To add as late_start service script: install_script -l $MODPATH/common/
To add as boot-completed script: install_script -b $MODPATH/common/
prop_process <prop_file> - Adds props in file to main system.prop file. Useful if you want different props set depending on device/rom/whatever.
Ex: prop_process $MODPATH/common/customprops.prop
cp_ch [arg] <source> <destination> - Copies/installs <source> file/directory to <destination>/target, backs up existing target file(s) if applicable, makes any needed folders if they don't already exist, and can set permissions if you specify them (Pretty nice huh?).
Ex: cp_ch $MODPATH/file /data/local/file
Has 2 different flags:
-r: copy recursively. Use this to copy a folder.
Ex: cp_ch -r $MODPATH/common/audio $MODPATH/audio
Ex2: cp_ch -r $MODPATH/common/audio $MODPATH
(Note that either work - just like if you were using cp -R:
The source directory will be placed INSIDE the target directory UNLESS the target directory doesn't exist - in the above example, we're assuming that audio directory doesn't exist)
-n: do not backup existing file. Use this for placing files that shouldn't already exist.
Ex: cp_ch -n $MODPATH/file $MODPATH/system/file
To use custom permissions, just put them at the end of the statement.
Ex: cp_ch -n $MODPATH/file $MODPATH/system/file 0755