Using the Template File - Zachs-Kappler/Zachs--Clothing-Pack GitHub Wiki

Well it was bound to happen, that one shirt or belt you want just doesn't come in your favorite color, well that is no longer a problem! This page will show you how to use your image editor of choice to make any piece of clothing I've made to fit your needs. This is rather advanced so follow the instructions carefully.

Instructions for Gimp

  1. Download and install the latest version of Gimp. This file requires Gimp 2.8 or newer to work.
  2. Double-click the ZCP.xcf file inside the Templates folder. It should open inside Gimp.
  3. Drill down the layer groups till you find the item you wish to customize and click the eye icon for the color layer.
  4. In the toolbox on the left, choose the color you want and use the paint bucket on the color layer.
  5. Click the eye on the detail and shading layers for the item.
  6. Goto File > Export and save the project as a PNG image. Ignore the settings in the following export dialog, the defaults are fine. If you are asked to merge layers, click yes.
  7. With your new customized outfit in hand, go add it to your character through