4. Machine Learning Diagnostic - ZYL-Harry/Machine_Learning_study GitHub Wiki
Some ways to debug a learning algorithm:
- get more training examples
- try smaller sets of features
- try getting additional features
- try adding polynomial features
- try decreasing λ
- try increasing λ
Machine learning diagnostic: a test that you can run to gain insight what is/isn't working with a learning algorithm, and gain guidence as how best to improve its performance
Evaluating a hypothesis
- split the data into two portions: training set(70%), test set(30%)
- learn parameter θ from training data by minimizing training error J(θ)
- compute the test error J_test(θ)
Model selection
- Evaluating the alternative hypotheses
- choose the best hypothesis with the smallest test error
Problem: The performance of the parameter chosen by the test set may not fit well on the other data set
Method: split the data into three pieces: training set(60%), cross validation set(20%), test set(20%)
Refreshed procedure:
- split the data into three pieces: training set(60%), cross validation set(20%), test set(20%)
- learn parameters θ from training set by minimizing training error J(θ)
- compute the cross validation error J_cv(θ) and find the best one
- use the test set to estimate the generalization error of the model
Bias vs. Variance
Diagnosing bias vs. variance
- Degree
- regularization parameter λ
learning curves
Introduction: A tool used to diagnose whether the algorithm is working correctly, and improve the performace
Main function: judging the algorithm is sufering from bias, variance problem or both
Addressing bias or variance
- get more training examples..........high variance problems
- try smaller sets of features........high variance problems
- get additional features.............high bias problems
- add polynomial geatures.............high bias problems
- try decreasing λ....................high bias problems
- try increasing λ....................high variance problems
Application on Neural Networks
Exercise by python
- read the dataset
def read_data():
path = 'D:/新建文件夹/机器学习/Machine_Learning_exercise/exercise_5/ex5/ex5data1.mat'
data = loadmat(path)
# training set
X = data['X']
y = data['y']
# cross validation set
Xval = data['Xval']
yval = data['yval']
# test set
Xtest = data['Xtest']
ytest = data['ytest']
return X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest
- visiualize the dataset
def visiualize_data(X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest):
X_show = np.r_[X, Xval, Xtest]
y_show = np.r_[y, yval, ytest]
plt.scatter(x=X_show, y=y_show, color='r', marker='+')
plt.xlabel('Change in water level(x)')
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the dam(y)')
- regularized linear regression cost function(I do it with logistic regression actually, so the parts of cost function and gradient descent are a little bit wrong(logistic regression hypothesis with linear regression cost function and gradient descent), but, as the main idea is to train the bias vs. variance, so it doesn't matter much)
# 1.3.1 sigmoid function
def sigmoid_function(z):
f = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
return z
# 1.3.2 cost function
def regularized_costfunction(theta, X, y, learning_rate):
X = np.matrix(X) # (12,1)
X_new = np.c_[np.matrix(np.ones((X.shape[0], 1))), X] # (12,2)
y = np.matrix(y) # (12,1)
theta = np.matrix(theta) # (1,2)
error = sigmoid_function(X_new * theta.T) - y # (12,2)*(2,1)=(12,1)
first = (1 / (2 * y.shape[0])) * (np.sum(np.power(error, 2)))
second = (learning_rate / (2 * y.shape[0])) * (np.sum(np.power(theta, 2)))
J = first + second
return J
- regularized linear regression gradient
def regularized_gradient(theta, X, y, learning_rate):
X = np.matrix(X)
X_new = np.c_[np.matrix(np.ones((X.shape[0], 1))), X]
y = np.matrix(y)
theta = np.matrix(theta)
partial_derivative = np.matrix(np.zeros(theta.shape))
error = sigmoid_function(X_new * theta.T) - y # (12,1)
for i in range(theta.shape[1]):
error_multiply = error.T * X_new[:, i] # (1,12)*(12,1)=(1,1)
partial_part = (1 / y.shape[0]) * np.sum(error_multiply) # (1,1)
if i == 1:
partial_derivative[0, i] = partial_part
partial_derivative[0, i] = partial_part + (learning_rate / y.shape[0]) * theta[0, i]
return partial_derivative.flatten().A[0]
- fitting linear regression
def fitting(theta, X, y, learning_rate):
X = np.matrix(X)
y = np.matrix(y)
theta = np.matrix(theta)
# learning_rate = 0 # set the regularization parameter to 0 temporarily
# when apply opt.minimize() theta will be transfered into a (1,n) array
result = opt.minimize(fun=regularized_costfunction, x0=theta, args=(X, y, learning_rate), jac=regularized_gradient, method='CG')
theta_best = result.x
return theta_best
linear regression:
θ_optimum = [12.05199528 0.36157355]
polynomial regression with 8 degree and 0 learning rate:
θ_optimum_poly = [ 11.2175843 9.13313451 18.20203288 28.92350764 -27.35985611
-74.50024157 6.93078022 60.74294458 20.5989299 ]
- plot the fitting linear regression
def plot_regression(theta_best, X, y, feature, degree, index):
theta_best = np.matrix(theta_best)
if index == 1:
X_point = np.matrix(feature[:, 0]).flatten().A[0]
X_plot = np.matrix(np.linspace(start=feature[:, 0].min(), stop=feature[:, 0].max(), num=100)).T # In the polynomial regression situation, take the first column as the original feature
X_poly = np.matrix(np.zeros((X_plot.shape[0], degree)))
X_poly[:, 0] = X_plot
for i in range(degree - 1):
X_poly[:, (i + 1)] = np.matrix(np.power(X_plot, (i + 2))) # (1,7)---(2,8)
X_poly = feature_normalize(X_poly)
X_new = np.c_[np.matrix(np.ones((X_plot.shape[0], 1))), X_poly]
y_regression = sigmoid_function(X_new * theta_best.T)
elif index == 0:
X_point = X
X_plot = np.matrix(np.linspace(start=X.min(), stop=X.max(), num=100)).T
X_new = np.c_[np.matrix(np.ones((X_plot.shape[0], 1))), X_plot] # (100,2)
y_regression = sigmoid_function(X_new * theta_best.T) # (100,2)*(2,1)=(100,1)
# print('X_point_shape: ', X_point.shape)
plt.scatter(x=X_point, y=y, color='r', marker='+')
plt.plot(X_plot, y_regression, color='b')
plt.xlabel('Change in water level(x)')
plt.ylabel('Water flowing out of the bam(y)')
linear regression:
polynomial regression with 8 degree and 0 learnig rate:
polynomial regression with 8 degree and 0.3 learning rate:
- learning curves
def learning_curves(X, y, Xval, yval, theta):
# compute the error with 1-X.shape[0] training example(s)
error_train = np.matrix(np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)))
error_val = np.matrix(np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1)))
learning_rate = 0
Xval_new = np.c_[np.matrix(np.ones((Xval.shape[0], 1))), Xval]
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
X_i = np.matrix(X[:i+1, :]) # X[:i,j] automatically becomes a row matrix
# print(X_i.shape)
X_i_new = np.c_[np.matrix(np.ones(((i + 1), 1))), X_i]
y_i = np.matrix(y[:i+1, :])
result_i = opt.minimize(fun=regularized_costfunction, x0=theta, args=(X_i, y_i, learning_rate), jac=regularized_gradient, method='CG')
theta_i = np.matrix(result_i.x)
# compute the error of training set
y_train_i = sigmoid_function(X_i_new * theta_i.T) # (i,2)*(2,1)=(i,1)
error_train[i, 0] = (1 / (2 * X_i.shape[0])) * np.sum(np.power((y_train_i - y_i), 2))
# compute the error of cross validation set
y_val_i = sigmoid_function(Xval_new * theta_i.T)
error_val[i, 0] = (1 / (2 * Xval.shape[0])) * np.sum(np.power((y_val_i - yval), 2))
# plot the learning curves
num_x = np.matrix(range(X.shape[0])).T + 1
plt.plot(num_x, error_train, color='b', label='Train')
plt.plot(num_x, error_val, color='g', label='Cross Validation')
plt.xlabel('Number of training examples')
linear regression:
polynomial regression with 8 degree and 0 learning rate:
- polynomial regression
# 3.1 feature normalization
def feature_normalize(feature):
feature_normalized = np.matrix(np.zeros(feature.shape))
for i in range(feature_normalized.shape[1]):
feature_normalized[:, i] = (feature[:, i] - feature[:, i].mean()) / feature[:, i].std()
# feature_normalized = (feature - feature.mean()) / feature.std()
return feature_normalized
# 3.2 polynomial regression
def poly_regression(X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest, theta_poly, degree, learning_rate):
# degree = 8
feature = np.matrix(np.zeros((X.shape[0], degree)))
feature[:, 0] = np.matrix(X[:, 0]).T # X is actually (12,1)
feature_val = np.matrix(np.zeros((Xval.shape[0], degree)))
feature_val[:, 0] = np.matrix(Xval[:, 0]).T
feature_test = np.matrix(np.zeros((Xtest.shape[0], degree)))
feature_test[:, 0] = np.matrix(Xtest[:, 0]).T
for i in range(degree - 1):
feature[:, (i + 1)] = np.matrix(np.power(np.matrix(X[:, 0]).T, (i + 2))) # (1,7)---(2,8)
feature_val[:, (i + 1)] = np.matrix(np.power(np.matrix(Xval[:, 0]).T, (i + 2)))
feature_test[:, (i + 1)] = np.matrix(np.power(np.matrix(Xtest[:, 0]).T, (i + 2)))
# normalize the features
feature_normalized = feature_normalize(feature)
feature_val_normalized = feature_normalize(feature_val)
feature_test_normalized = feature_normalize(feature_test)
# fitting
theta_best_poly = fitting(theta_poly, feature_normalized, y, learning_rate)
return feature, feature_normalized, feature_val_normalized, feature_test_normalized, theta_best_poly
- select learning rate λ
def select_lambda(X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest, theta_poly, degree):
lambdas = np.matrix([0, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10]).T
error_train = np.matrix(np.zeros((lambdas.shape[0], 1)))
error_val = np.matrix(np.zeros((lambdas.shape[0], 1)))
theta_poly_lambda = np.matrix(np.zeros((lambdas.shape[0], theta_poly.shape[1])))
for i in range(lambdas.shape[0]):
lambda_i = lambdas[i, 0]
feature, feature_normalized, feature_val_normalized, feature_test_normalized, theta_best_poly = poly_regression(X, y , Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest, theta_poly, degree, lambda_i)
theta_best_poly = np.matrix(theta_best_poly) # (1,9)
theta_poly_lambda[i, :] = theta_best_poly # (1,9)
# compute the error of training set
feature_normalized_new = np.c_[np.matrix(np.ones((feature_normalized.shape[0], 1))), feature_normalized]
y_train_i = sigmoid_function(feature_normalized_new * theta_best_poly.T)
error_train[i, 0] = (1 / (2 * y.shape[0])) * np.sum(np.power((y_train_i - y), 2))
# compute the error of cross validation set
feature_val_normalized_new = np.c_[np.matrix(np.ones((feature_val_normalized.shape[0], 1))), feature_val_normalized]
y_val_i = sigmoid_function(feature_val_normalized_new * theta_best_poly.T)
error_val[i, 0] = (1 / (2 * yval.shape[0])) * np.sum(np.power((y_val_i - yval), 2))
plt.plot(lambdas, error_train, color='b', label='Train')
plt.plot(lambdas, error_val, color='g', label='Cross Validation')
# select the best λ
index = np.argmin(error_val)
lambda_best = lambdas[index, 0]
theta_best_lambda = theta_poly_lambda[index, :]
return lambda_best, theta_best_lambda
λ_best = 0.3
- main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
# read the dataset
X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest = read_data()
# visiualize the dataset
visiualize_data(X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest)
# compute the regularized linear regression cost function
theta = np.matrix(np.ones((1, 2)))
learning_rate = 1
J = regularized_costfunction(theta, X, y, learning_rate)
print('J_initial = ', J)
# compute the regularized linear regression gradient
gradient = regularized_gradient(theta, X, y, learning_rate)
print('gradients_initial = ', gradient)
# fitting linear regression
theta_best = fitting(theta, X, y, learning_rate)
print('θ_optimum = ', theta_best)
# plot the fitting linear regression
plot_regression(theta_best, X, y, 0, 0, 0)
# use learning curves to diagnose the bias or variance problem
learning_curves(X, y, Xval, yval, theta)
# learning polynomial regression
degree = 8
learning_rate = 0
theta_poly = np.matrix(np.ones((1, (degree + 1))))
feature, feature_normalized, feature_val_normalized, feature_test_normalized, theta_best_poly = poly_regression(X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest, theta_poly, degree, learning_rate)
print('θ_optimum_poly = ', theta_best_poly)
plot_regression(theta_best_poly, feature_normalized, y, feature, degree, 1)
learning_curves(feature_normalized, y, feature_val_normalized, yval, theta_poly)
# select the learning rate λ
lambda_best, theta_best_lambda = select_lambda(X, y, Xval, yval, Xtest, ytest, theta_poly, degree)
print('λ_best = ', lambda_best)
# estimate the performance with the best learning rate
plot_regression(theta_best_lambda, feature_normalized, y, feature, degree, 1)
# compute the error of test set
feature_test_normalized_new = np.c_[np.matrix(np.ones((feature_test_normalized.shape[0], 1))), feature_test_normalized]
y_test_i = sigmoid_function(feature_test_normalized_new * theta_best_lambda.T)
error_test = (1 / (2 * ytest.shape[0])) * np.sum(np.power((y_test_i - ytest), 2))
print('error_test = ', error_test)
error_test = 9.010725887249768