Writing Plugins for NodeBB - ZJU-Shaonian-Biancheng-Tuan/NodeBB GitHub Wiki
"id": "nodebb-plug
, "name": "NodeBB YouTube Plugin"
, "description": "NodeBB Plugin that enables users to embed YouTube videos inline in their posts."
, "url": "https://github.com/psychobunny/nodebb-plugin-youtube"
, "library": "./library.js"
, "hooks": [
"hook": "filter:parse.post"
, "method": "parse"
, "callbacked": true
/* nodebb modules (eg db) have paths that are relative to the object javascript source file. nodejs modules (eg async) have no path. */
(function(Youtube) {
'use strict'
var async = module.parent.require('async')
db = module.parent.require('./database')
Youtube.parse = function(data, callback) {
data.postData.content = data.postData.content.replace(/<a href="(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/(?:watch\?v=)?(.+)<\/a>/g, '<iframe class="youtube-plugin" width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/$1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>')
callback(null, data)