waste bin - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

Waste bins are functional decorations; when right clicked, they have a 9-item inventory. Items placed in this inventory will be deleted permanently once the GUI is exited.

With wood paneling on each side, waste bins can be crafted in all possible wood variants. Waste bins' color schemes match wooden benches.

Two waste bins can be crafted with 1x Iron Nugget, 1x Wood Planks, 3x Wood Slab and 4x Concrete.

Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Iron Nugget +
Matching Wood Planks +
Matching Wood Slab +
Matching Concrete

Different wood types use different concrete. Birch and Warped wood use white concrete, Oak and Jungle wood use light gray concrete, and Acacia, Crimson and Dark Oak wood use gray concrete.

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