tire swing - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

(image by fiskeorn)

Tire swings are enrichment blocks.

The tire swing is now larger and more robust compared to its counterpart in ZAWA: Rebuilt, and can be placed in two different configurations.

Tire swing blocks appear different based on how they are placed. When placed on the side of a block, they use their vertical configuration. When placed on the top of a block, such as on the ground, they use their horizontal configuration.

Tire swings are great additions to play structures, climbing structures, or semi-aquatic animal pools. When within 2 blocks of a tire swing, animals instantly gain 2 enrichment points. Other than being used for animals, tire swings can be used in zoo playgrounds and rest areas for guests.

One tire swing can be crafted with 1x Rope and 4x Black Concrete.

Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Rope +
Black Concrete
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