sea lion - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

While this animal has been revealed, it hasn't been added in-game yet. Hang tight, it's coming!

(needs statement about all sea lions)

Stellers' sea lions are one of the four sea lion species featured in ZAWA: Evolved. Once common in the North Pacific ocean, these massive pinnipeds have been declining in large numbers, and not even scientists know why: culling, global warming, habitat loss and lots of other factors could be responsible.

Stellars' are the world's biggest sea lion, but not the largest pinnipeds! Elephant seals and walruses are bigger, but that doesn't mean Stellars' are small: the biggest males can tip the scales at close to 2,500 pounds (1,120 kg). In the wild, Stellars' sea lions are found in giant colonies around Japan, Russia, the far-northern USA and Canada. Male and female Stellers' sea lions look very, very different: males can be even more than twice the size, and will "display" in an upright pose to show everyone around who's boss.

Spawning and taming


Exhibit building

(note: exhibit building sections contain a mix of gameplay information and building advice. Not all recommendations are necessary to keep animals happy, fed, and watered, but can help players build a realistic enclosure.)


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