ice treat - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

Freezing food inside ice is a cheap, common way to slow down how much animals eat, while providing a new and interesting toy.

Ice treats, once placed, are a destructible entity. They have 15 hearts (30 points) of health, and lose 1 point by "melting" every 1000 ticks. Animals interacting with the treat will deplete 3 points of health. Once broken, the treat will yield 20 enrichment points and 10 food points to any animal in a 5-block radius.

There are two variants of the ice treat: the apple ice treat is usable by many herbivorous animals; the beef ice treat is usable by many carnivorous animals.

Four apple ice treats can be crafted with 4x ice and 1x apple.

Four beef ice treats can be crafted with 4x ice and 1x raw beef.

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