hornbill - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

image (image by ondranik)

Hornbills are large, omnivorous birds, with several species across Africa and Asia. They fit a very similar ecological niche to South American toucans, with large beaks that can grab far-hanging fruit and forage. Just like many other exotic birds, hornbills are frequent victims of the exotic animal trade, and are also endangered by palm oil deforestation. Evolved will have five species of Asian hornbill, two of which are sexually dimorphic.

Spawning and taming

Hornbills are uncommon spawns in tropical alpine (great Indian), deep rainforest (rhinoceros, Palawan), wet rainforest (wreathed, wrinkled), wet savanna (Jackson's, red-billed, trumpeter), and dry savanna (yellow-billed) biomes. They always spawn in flocks of 2-3 birds. They have a 1:2 sex ratio and are sexually dimorphic.

The hornbill is a medium-speed, neutral animal; they are aware of the player, but generally unbothered by their presence unless their chicks are attacked.

Hornbills can be tamed with omnivore kibble.


Hornbills have 6 hearts (12 points) of health, can deal 0.5 hearts (1 point) of damage, and drop small meat and 2 feathers upon death.

Hornbills are small animals with modest food needs. They eat a frugivore diet, consisting of fruit, seeds and grain.

Hornbills can use the perching blocks, scented ball, tire swing, hanging browse, sprinkler, puzzle feeder, and apple ice treat enrichment items.

Hornbills are a low fertility species, and can be bred with an apple. As small-sized animals they have a gestation time of 40000 ticks, and lay 1 egg. Their chick will take 3 1/3 minecraft days to reach adulthood.


There are 9 hornbill species represented in ZAWA: Evolved: great Indian hornbill, Jackson’s hornbill, Palawan hornbill, red-billed hornbill, rhinoceros hornbill, trumpeter hornbill, wreathed hornbill, wrinkled hornbill, and the yellow-billed hornbill. All species variants can be found in the wild.

Indian hornbill Yellow-billed hornbill Red-billed hornbill
Trumpeter Palawan Rhinoceros
Wreathed Wrinkled Jackson's

Variant images by discord user Gianluca Zanna#0063

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