Sumatran orangutan - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

image (image by ondranik)

Sumatran orangutans are one of three species of orangutan, and orangutans as a whole are the only great ape that lives in Asia. These massive apes can weigh hundreds of pounds, but are peaceful, sensitive and intelligent. Baby orangutans stay with their mothers for years, and mothers teach them over a hundred varieties of plants that are safe for them to eat. All species of orangutan are sexually dimorphic, with males being much, much larger. The palm oil industry is the biggest threat to orangutans, and less than 14,000 remain in the wild.

Spawning and taming

Sumatran orangutans are rare spawns in deep rainforest biomes. They always spawn alone. They have a 1:3 sex ratio and are sexually dimorphic.

The Sumatran orangutan is a medium-speed, defensive animal; they will acknowledge players, but not attack them unless hit. They also react aggressively towards players in the vicinity of their offspring

Sumatran orangutans can be tamed with herbivore kibble.


Sumatran orangutans have 13 hearts (26 points) of health, can deal 3 hearts (6 points) of damage, and drop 2 medium meat upon death.

Sumatran orangutans are medium animals with a moderate hunger bar. They eat a herbivore diet, consisting of diverse fruit, vegetables and roughage.

Sumatran orangutans can use the scented ball, rope, vine, tire swing, hanging browse, puzzle feeder, apple ice treat and climbing post enrichment items.

Sumatran orangutans are a high fertility species, and can be bred with a melon block. As medium-sized animals they have a gestation time of 56000 ticks, and give birth to 1 infant that will take 4 2/3 minecraft days to reach adulthood.

Exhibit building

(note: exhibit building sections contain a mix of gameplay information and building advice. Not all recommendations are necessary to keep animals happy, fed, and watered, but can help players build a realistic enclosure.)

One of our closest living relatives, Sumatran Orangutans are Great Apes. Similar to other Great Apes, they live in family groups, consisting of multiple individuals, mostly females & juveniles.

Players should aim to build a decently sized enclosure, with plenty of climbing space for these arboreal animals. They should be kept in medium-sized family group and it is suggested to keep an individual male. Opportunities for enrichment and arboreal enrichment can be achieved through creative use of Rope, Scratching Posts, Hanging Browse & Tire Swings. In the case of Interspecies Enrichment, Sumatran Orangutans are known to share with species such as Lar Gibbon, Asian Short Clawed Otters & Malayan Tapir.

Be warned, all indoor and outdoor facilities (both of which are necessary for these orange apes!) must be secured, as orangutans are notorious escape artists.

Primarily arboreal animals, trees and foliage are essential for development, and opportunities for hanging and climbing can be replicated artificially or naturally. Water & Food should be applied in more creative ways, as these are animals with higher intelligence compared to some others - however keeper and visitor safety is essential for a functioning orangutan complex.

While Sumatran Orangutanns can tolerate heat, they don't do well in the cold. Keepers in temperate climates should have all shelter heat regulated in case the summer sun or cold snow gets to be too much.


There are four color variants of Sumatran orangutan: orange, lemon, grapefruit, and tangerine. These are in-game color variants, not real subspecies.

Orange Lemon Grapefruit Tangerine Baby

Variant images by discord user Gianluca Zanna#0063

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