Rock hide - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

Rock hides are decorative blocks.

Rock hides are small, decorative structures that spawn in the overworld. They appear as small piles of rough, water-worn stone.

When broken, each block has a 10% chance to yield 1-4 feeder shellfish by default, and a fortune enchanted tool increases that chance.

  • Blackstone rock hides drop mussels.
  • Cobblestone rock hides drop clams.
  • River stone rock hides drop mussels.
  • Sandstone rock hides drop shrimp.

Rock hides can be placed in animal exhibits to create realistic hiding places, climbing structures, and nests. They can be waterlogged. Aquatic plants can be placed on them.

Four rock hides can be crafted with 2x Stone of their type and 1x Dirt.

Ingredients Crafting Recipe
Matching Stone +Dirt