Red kangaroo - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

image (image by ClimbableChunky)

The red kangaroo is a medium-sized marsupial. Native to Australia, the kangaroo is a common symbol of the country and its unique fauna.

In real life, red kangroos are herd-dwelling herbivores that occupy a similar ecological niche to deer. This massive macropod is the largest mammal native to Australia. Red kangaroos roam and graze in large herds. Male kangaroos are a lot bigger than the gray-brown females.

Spawning and taming

Red kangaroos are common spawns in hot desert biomes. They spawn in groups of 2-5 animals. They have a 1:5 sex ratio and are sexually dimorphic.

The red kangaroo is a medium speed, defensive animal; they will acknowledge players, but not attack them unless hit. They also react aggressively towards players in the vicinity of their offspring.

Red kangaroos can be tamed with herbivore.


Red kangaroos have 11 hearts (22 points) of health, can deal 3 hearts (6 points) of damage, and drop 2 medium meat and 1 bone upon death.

Red kangaroos are medium animals with moderate food needs. They eat a ruminant diet, consisting of fibrous plant material.

Red kangaroos can use the scented ball, scratching post, hanging browse, sprinkler, and apple ice treat enrichment items.

Red kangaroos are a high fertility species, and can be bred with a hay bale. As medium-sized animals they have a gestation time of 56000 ticks, and give birth to 1 joey that will take 4 2/3 minecraft days to reach adulthood.


There are three color variants of red kangaroo: crispy, tan, and sunburnt. These are in-game color variants, not real subspecies.

Crispy Tan Sunburnt Baby

Variant images by discord user Gianluca Zanna#0063

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