Mandrill - ZAWA-Evolved/ZAWA GitHub Wiki

(image by Arzher)

Mandrills are big, colourful Old World monkeys, native to tropical rainforests in Africa.

Despite their bright colors and scary looks, mandrills are reclusive, and live in close-knit family groups. Each group is led by an alpha male, who has the brightest face and butt out of the bunch. Mandrills are a popular target for bush meat hunters, and are also endangered by the deforestation of the Congo.

Spawning and taming

Mandrills are uncommon spawns in tropical alpine biomes. They always spawn in groups of 3-5 animals. They have a 1:5 sex ratio and are sexually dimorphic.

The mandrill is a medium speed, defensive animal; will retaliate against players who attack them. They also react aggressively towards players in the vicinity of their offspring.

Mandrills can be tamed with omnivore kibble.


Mandrills have 8 hearts (16 points) of health, can deal 2 hearts (4 points) of damage, and drop medium meat upon death.

Mandrills are medium animals with moderate food needs. They eat a omnivore diet. With the exception of animal byproducts and some toxic fruits, omnivorous animals can eat almost every food in the game, including cooked meat and prepared foods.

Mandrills can use the scented ball, rope, vine, tire swing, hanging browse, puzzle feeder, and apple ice treat enrichment items.

Mandrills are a high fertility species, and can be bred with a melon block. As medium-sized animals they have a gestation time of 56000 ticks, and give birth to 1 infant that will take 4 2/3 minecraft days to reach adulthood.


Mandrills have 3 natural variants: army, airforce, and navy. These are in-game color variants, not real subspecies. Adult mandrills are sexually dimorphic, meaning males and females of the same variant will look different.

Army Airforce Navy Baby

Variant images by discord user Gianluca Zanna#0063

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