Installation - ZAGsi/BlenderSLAM GitHub Wiki

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Blender should be installed before g2opy, because Blender uses it's own python version. Do not install blender from snap, as that gives problems later on! Find the latest long-term release on and download. Unpack in the desired location.

  • Setup environment variables for blender and python:

this step is important! If the blender python version is not 3.9, replace all 'python3.9' with your python version.

Open ~/.bash_aliases

vi ~/.bash_aliases

put following aliases in there:

alias blender="path/to/blender/blender"
alias python3.9="path/to/blender/2.93/python/bin"

save & close with ":wq"

activate aliases by typing:

source ~/.bash_aliases
  • Install numpy, cv2, ruamel.yaml, tqdm
  • libpython3.X-dev is needed to build a shared library using a C extension file
sudo apt update
python3.9 -m ensurepip
python3.9 -m pip install numpy opencv-contrib-python ruamel.yaml tqdm
sudo apt install libpython3.9-dev


sudo apt update
sudo apt install cmake libeigen3-dev 
sudo apt install libsuitesparse-dev qtdeclarative5-dev qt5-qmake libqglviewer-dev-qt5
sudo apt install build-essential
  • Installing g2opy

First, clone g2opy from github:

git clone

I had the same issue as:, where some Eigen3 library referenced something incorrectly. So, before continuing, replace in g2opy/python/core/eigen_types.h:

	.def("x", (double (Eigen::Quaterniond::*) () const) &Eigen::Quaterniond::x)
        .def("y", (double (Eigen::Quaterniond::*) () const) &Eigen::Quaterniond::y)
        .def("z", (double (Eigen::Quaterniond::*) () const) &Eigen::Quaterniond::z)
        .def("w", (double (Eigen::Quaterniond::*) () const) &Eigen::Quaterniond::w)


	.def("x", [](const Eigen::Quaterniond& q) { return q.x(); })
        .def("y", [](const Eigen::Quaterniond& q) { return q.y(); })
        .def("z", [](const Eigen::Quaterniond& q) { return q.z(); })
        .def("w", [](const Eigen::Quaterniond& q) { return q.w(); })

Continue to build the library in the power shell. Make sure you bind the correct python version:

cd g2opy
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DPBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION=3.9 ../
make -j8
cd ..
python3.9 install
  • Install Point Cloud Visualizer Option 1: Install full version from the Blender Market ( Option 2: Install 1.0 version from GitHub:
    • Clone PCV and add to the add-ons (see images).
git clone
  • Install blender_stereo_ptam
    • Download ZIP of this github repo.
    • Open Blender, go to preferences and install the ZIP as an add-on.

Try out stereo_ptam library

  • Download KITTI dataset (grayscale odometry is least amount of data ~20gb): However, if grayscale instead of colour is used, the sequences/00/image_00 & sequences/00/image_01 directories sould be renamed to sequences/00/image_02 & sequences/00/image_03.
  • Unzip blender_stereo_ptam
  • Navigate to blender_stereo_ptam/stereo_ptam dir and try out:
cd blender_stereo_ptam/stereo_ptam
python3.9 --dataset kitti --path path/to/your/KITTI_odometry_dataset/sequences/00 --no-viz

If there are no errors, the library works!