Quantum Workbench - Z4OLLIEZ4/Space GitHub Wiki

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A Quantum Workbench is a workbench machine that can be used to edit a Lightsaber's attributes.



A Quantum Workbench can be crafted using the following items:

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Editing Lightsabers

Pressing use on a Quantum Workbench will open its GUI. Lightsabers can be placed into the left slot, and can be converted to any Lightsaber that appears in the right side of the GUI. Clicking any of the Lightsabers will open a purchase confirmation, and confirming will subtract the cost of the Lightsaber from the player's balance.

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Adding Lightsabers

To add Lightsabers, copy the default format that is stored within config.yml:

    cost: 10000 # The cost to buy the Lightsaber in the Quantum Workbench
    charged: false # Should the lightsaber need to be charged to be used
    max-charge: 800 # What should the max charge be? (Only relevant if charged: true)
    active: # The active variant of the Lightsaber we are making
      name: '&cLightsaber'
      type: STONE_SWORD
      modeldata: 1234568
      activate-sound: lightsaber_on
      enchanted: true
      damage: 20
      attackspeed: 2
        1: '&7A powerful plasma blade'
        2: '&7Right click to toggle states'
        3: '&aActive'
      - 'FIRE_ASPECT:2'
    inactive: # The inactive variant of the Lightsaber we are making
      name: '&cLightsaber'
      type: STONE_SWORD
      modeldata: 1234567
      deactivate-sound: lightsaber_off
      enchanted: false
      damage: 0
      attackspeed: 0
        1: '&7A powerful plasma blade'
        2: '&7Right click to toggle states'
        3: '&cInactive'

A few notes:

  • One must define an active and inactive variant for any Lightsaber you create. This is so the blade can properly retract.
  • The valid enchantments are listed here and must be in the format shown above.
  • One can currently define up to 15 Lightsabers.
  • One can define up to 4 lines of lore.