Sound field calculator - YuriiMytiai/Sound_field_calculator GitHub Wiki
This app is simple application for calculation of direct sound sources field. This project is on developing now, so some features can not work or work incorrectly.
To run app in Matlab just type main in command line. To run Java version run jar.
Set sizes of rectangular area and grid step. Add sound sources (selsect prototype and enter it's position). You must have prototype files that contain information about sound sources. There are two sources avaliable now. You can create your own sources by some procedure (if need it feel free to contact me via e-mail: [email protected]).
In matlab version you also can set reciever points (it shows you frequency-depended SPL at this points). Probably this feature will be added in Java realisation soon.
Calculate and show preasure field (in dB) of single selected source or summary field of all sources.
Plans to do:
- Add incline of area.
- Add equalization to sources.
- Create posibility of automatic calculations of some sources properies for increasing equability of sound preasure (minimize difference MaxSPL - MinSPL).