Home - YuMingLiao/haskell_code GitHub Wiki
Generic Lens: Generically derive lenses and prisms for data types. Monad:
Composing Monads More Tutorials:
[Haskell Wiki] (https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell)
Type Class:
- Type Classes and Constraints
- https://wiki.haskell.org/Typeclassopedia
- Counterexamples of Type Classes
- co-log: A good way to understand type class
- comonad
Type Families:
- [TypeFamily] (https://wiki.haskell.org/GHC/Type_families)
- FunWithTypeFamilies
- type-family-vs-data-family-in-brief (Good for understand
keyword) - Type Family PowerPoint Polymorphic Recursion Rank-n types
- Rank-N Types Existential types Functional dependencies GADTs/Phantom Types: Phantom types is another name of GADT.
- GADT for Dummies
- Phantom Type
- Fun With Phantom Type
- GADTs Video
Intermediate Topics:
improvements-to-deriving-in-ghc-82 stock: ghc newtype: oldtype anyclass: generics
[Zipper] (https://wiki.haskell.org/Zipper)
Type variables instead of concrete types -- like "data XBase a = ... a, data X = XBase (), data Y = XBase Something"
[Common instances of Bifunctor] (http://www.riptutorial.com/haskell/example/25913/common-instances-of-bifunctor)
[I love profunctors. They're so easy.](https://www.schoolofhaskell.com/school/to-infinity-and-beyond/pick-of-the- Youtube:
Haskell at Work week/profunctors#covariant-functors)
Advanced Topics:
- Parser Combinators: Parsing for Haskell Beginners
- Introductions to advanced Haskell topics
- Free Monad
- what-are-free-monads
- Equational Reasoning
- Some Random Thoughts of an Advanced Haskeller
Type-Level Programming:
- Basic Type Level Programming in Haskell
- Programming in the Haskell Type System
- type-level-sets
- type-level-functions-using-closed-type-families
- Type_arithmetic
- little-typer
- Type-Driven Development with Idris
Exixtentialization Resources:
To Be Read:
- conjugation, inverse
- lenses
- Profunctor
- Data-Map-Justified
- dhall ( ListLike
- Typing Haskell in Haskell
- Continuation Passing Style
- [Djinn](Djinn, a theorem prover in Haskell, for Haskell.)
- Combinatorics
- Liquid Haskell
- Refined Type
- Dialogue\
- Specific Topics
- Glasgow Haskell Compiler User's Guide
- Managed
- Servant Intro
- eve
- Data Diverse
Packages that look fun
Cateogry Theory:
- Category Theory for Dummies
- Haskell/Category_theory
- Epimorphism, isomorphism, Endomorphism, Automorphism
- what-is-category-theory-anyway Type Theory:
Dependent Types:
- Dependent Types In Haskell Idris:
- Idris for Haskellers
- Coding for Types: The Universe Patern in Idris
- Category Theory proofs in Idris
Q monad: Q monad
Extential Types: 24 Days of GHC Extensions: Existential Quantification
VS Object-Oriented Programming functional-programming-vs-oop Functional programming design patterns
Reading: [type-inhabitants] (https://gist.github.com/pchiusano/444de1f222f1ceb09596)