Result Object - YoussefSell/Result.Net GitHub Wiki

1- Result:
this type is used to describe the execution status of a void method with no return value.
the object itself is very simple and has a few properties.

public class Result
     /// <summary>
     /// Get the Status of the result.
     /// </summary>
     public ResultStatus Status { get; }

     /// <summary>
     /// get or set the message that describes the result of the operation.
     /// </summary>
     public string Message { get; set; }

     /// <summary>
     /// get or set the error code that describes the result of the operation.
     /// </summary>
     public string Code { get; set; }

     /// <summary>
     /// Get or set a unique log trace code used to trace the result in logs.
     /// </summary>
     public string LogTraceCode { get; set; }

     /// <summary>
     /// get the list of errors associated with the operation result.
     /// </summary>
     public ICollection<ResultError> Errors { get; }

     /// <summary>
     /// Gets a collection of key/data pairs that provide additional 
     /// metadata information about the operation result.
     /// </summary>
     public IDictionary<string, object> MetaData { get; }
  • Result.Status:
    the status property is an enum with two values: Failed & Succeed, it is used to define the Result status.
  • Result.Message:
    the message property is used to describe the result status, we only using it if the result has a Failed status, to describe in human-readable format what went wrong.
  • Result.Code:
    the code property is used to describe the result status, we use this property to enable machine-to-machine communication. utilizing a predefined list of error codes, I already have a predefined list of common codes (you can find them in ResultCode), and you can add your own.
  • Result.LogTraceCode:
    the log trace code property is a random unique string used as code and attached to the result operation to locate the result in your logs.
  • Result.Errors:
    the error collection property is used to attach a more detailed explanation in terms of errors associated with result failure.
  • Result.MetaData:
    the metadata property is a key-value pair collection to attach some additional data with the operation result.

2- Result<>:
this type is a generic type that drives from Result and is used to describe the execution status of a method with a return value. the object has only one property over the Result type.

public class Result<TData> : Result
     /// <summary>
     /// the data associated with the result.
     /// </summary>
     public TData Data { get; }
  • Result<>.Data:
    The data property is used to store the operation output data.
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