MyGame - YosefTwito/PackIt GitHub Wiki
This class represents the game.
We need to fetch the amount of robots and fruits.
Than we need to implement the game as expected.
One implementation is an auto-play with directed scenario according to the files.
Another is manual-play where we decide where to point the robot.
The class also has algorithms to play the auto-player.
@authors YosefTwito and EldarTakach
- fruitToEdge(Fruit f ,graph g) - Computes the edge that the fruit that has been given is sitting on.
- robo_update(int mode) - updates the location of the robots, also in charge of manuring the robots in case of manual play.
- fru_update() - updates the location of the fruits.
- Score(ArrayList) - computes the score of each robot and the total score of the player.
- nextNodeManual(Robot r,int src,int dest) - checks if the manual player chose a valid move and preforms it.
- nextNode() - random walk on the graph.
- goNext() - calculates the node that its best to go to.
- goGo() - the main driver of the game.