Array functions - Yonaba/Moses GitHub Wiki
Array functions
local M = require 'moses'
sample (array [, n = 1 [, seed]])
Samples n
values from array.
local array = M.range(1,20)
local sample = M.sample(array, 3)
-- => {12,11,15}
defaults to 1. In that case, a single value will be returned.
local array = M.range(1,20)
local sample = M.sample(array)
-- => 12
An optional 3rd argument seed
can be passed for deterministic random sampling.
sampleProb (array, prob [, seed])
Returns an array of values randomly selected from a given array.
In case seed
is provided, it is used for deterministic sampling.
local array = M.range(1,20)
local sample = M.sampleProb(array, 0.2)
-- => 5,11,12,15
sample = M.sampleProb(array, 0.2, os.time())
-- => 1,6,10,12,15,20 (or similar)
nsorted (array [, n = 1[, comp]])
Returns the n-top values satisfying a predicate. It takes a comparison function comp
used to sort array values,
and then picks the top n-values. It leaves the original array untouched.
local function comp(a,b) return a > b end
M.nsorted(array,5, comp) -- => {5,4,3,2,1}
defaults to 1 and comp
defaults to the <
local array = M.range(1,20)
M.nsorted(array) -- => {1}
shuffle (array [, seed])
Shuffles a given array.
local list = M.shuffle {1,2,3,4,5,6} -- => "{3,2,6,4,1,5}"
pack (...)
Converts a vararg list of arguments to an array.
M.pack(1,2,8,'d','a',0) -- => "{1,2,8,'d','a',0}"
find (array, value [, from = 1])
Looks for a value in a given array and returns the position of the first occurence.
local value = {3}
M.find({{4},{3},{2},{1}},value) -- => 2
It can also start the search at a specific position in the array:
-- search value 4 starting from index 3
M.find({1,4,2,3,4,5},4,3) -- => 5
reverse (array)
Reverses an array.
M.reverse({1,2,3,'d'}) -- => "{'d',3,2,1}"
fill (array, value [, i = 1 [, j = #array]])
Replaces all elements in a given array with a given value.
local array = M.range(1,5)
M.fill(array, 0) -- => {0,0,0,0,0}
It can start replacing value at a specific index.
local array = M.range(1,5)
M.fill(array,0,3) -- => {1,2,0,0,0}
It can replace only values within a specific range.
local array = M.range(1,5)
M.fill(array,0,2,4) -- => {1,0,0,0,5}
In case the upper bound index i greather than the array size, it will enlarge the array.
local array = M.range(1,5)
M.fill(array,0,5,10) -- => {1,2,3,4,0,0,0,0,0,0}
zeros (n)
Returns an array of n
M.zeros(4) -- => {0,0,0,0}
ones (n)
Returns an array of n
M.ones(3) -- => {1,1,1}
vector (value, n)
Returns an array of n
times a given value.
M.vector(10, 4) -- => {10,10,10,10}
selectWhile (array, f [, ...])
Aliases: takeWhile
Collects values as long as they pass a given test. Stops on the first non-passing test.
M.selectWhile({2,4,5,8}, function(v)
return v%2==0
end) -- => "{2,4}"
dropWhile (array, f [, ...])
Aliases: rejectWhile
Removes values as long as they pass a given test. Stops on the first non-passing test.
M.dropWhile({2,4,5,8}, function(v)
return v%2==0
end) -- => "{5,8}"
sortedIndex (array, value [, comp = math.min [, sort = nil]])
Returns the index at which a value should be inserted to preserve order.
M.sortedIndex({1,2,3},4) -- => 4
Can take a custom comparison functions.
local comp = function(a,b) return a<b end
M.sortedIndex({-5,0,4,4},3,comp) -- => 3
indexOf (array, value)
Returns the index of a value in an array.
M.indexOf({1,2,3},2) -- => 2
lastIndexOf (array, value)
Returns the index of the last occurence of a given value in an array.
M.lastIndexOf({1,2,2,3},2) -- => 3
findIndex (array, pred)
Returns the first index at which a predicate passes a truth test.
local array = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
local function multipleOf3(v) return v%3==0 end
M.findIndex(array, multipleOf3) -- => 3
findLastIndex (array, pred)
Returns the last index at which a predicate passes a truthy test.
local array = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
local function multipleOf3(v) return v%3==0 end
M.findLastIndex(array, multipleOf3) -- => 6
addTop (array, ...)
Adds given values at the top of an array. The latter values bubbles at the top.
local array = {1}
M.addTop(array,1,2,3,4) -- => "{4,3,2,1,1}"
prepend (array, ...)
Adds given values at the top of an array, preserving the order at which elements are passed-in.
local array = {'old_val'}
M.prepend(array,1,2,3,4) -- => "{1,2,3,4,'old_val'}"
push (array, ...)
Adds given values at the end of an array.
local array = {1}
M.push(array,1,2,3,4) -- => "{1,1,2,3,4}"
shift (array [, n = 1])
Aliases: pop
Removes and returns the first value in an array.
local array = {1,2,3}
local shift = M.shift(array) -- => "shift = 1", "array = {2,3}"
If n
is supplied, returns n
local array = {1,2,3,4,5}
local a, b = M.shift(array, 2) -- => "a = 1, b = 2", "array = {3,4,5}"
unshift (array [, n = 1])
Removes and returns the last value in an array.
local array = {1,2,3}
local value = M.unshift(array) -- => "value = 3", "array = {1,2}"
pull (array, ...)
Aliases: remove
Removes all provided values from a given array.
M.pull({1,2,1,2,3,4,3},1,2,3) -- => "{4}"
removeRange (array [, start = 1 [, finish = #array]])
Aliases: rmRange
, M.chop
Trims out all values index within a range.
local array = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
M.removeRange(array, 3,8) -- => "{1,2,9}"
chunk (array, f)
Iterates over an array aggregating consecutive values in subsets tables, on the basis of the return value of f(v, k, ...)
. Consecutive elements which return the same value are chunked together.
local t = {1,1,2,3,3,4}
M.chunk(t, function(v) return v%2==0 end) -- => "{{1,1},{2},{3,3},{4}}"
slice (array [, start = 1 [, finish = #array]])
Aliases: sub
Slices and returns a part of an array.
local array = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
M.slice(array, 3,6) -- => "{3,4,5,6}"
first (array [, n = 1])
Aliases: head
, M.take
Returns the first N elements in an array.
local array = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
M.first(array,3) -- => "{1,2,3}"
initial (array [, n = #array])
Excludes the last N elements in an array.
local array = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
M.initial(array,5) -- => "{1,2,3,4}"
last (array [, n = #array])
Returns the last N elements in an array.
local array = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
M.last(array,3) -- => "{7,8,9}"
rest (array [, index = 1])
Aliases: tail
Returns all values after index, including the given index itself.
local array = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},6) -- => "{6,7,8,9}"
nth (array, index)
Returns the value at index.
local array = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
M.nth(array,3) -- => "3"
compact (array)
Trims out all falsy values.
M.compact {a,'aa',false,'bb',true} -- => "{'aa','bb',true}"
flatten (array [, shallow = false])
Flattens a nested array.
M.flatten({1,{2,3},{4,5,{6,7}}}) -- => "{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}"
When given arg shallow
, flatten only at the first level.
M.flatten({1,{2},{{3}}},true) -- => "{1,{2},{{3}}}"
difference (array, array2)
Aliases: without
, diff
Returns values in the given array not present in a second array.
local array = {1,2,'a',4,5}
M.difference(array,{1,'a'}) -- => "{2,4,5}"
union (...)
Produces a duplicate-free union of all passed-in arrays.
local A = {'a'}
local B = {'a',1,2,3}
local C = {2,10}
M.union(A,B,C) -- => "{'a',1,2,3,10}"
intersection (...)
Returns the intersection (common-part) of all passed-in arrays:
local A = {'a'}
local B = {'a',1,2,3}
local C = {2,10,1,'a'}
M.intersection(A,B,C) -- => "{'a'}"
disjoint (...)
Checks if all passed in arrays are disjoint.
local A = {'a'}
local B = {'a',1,3}
local C = {3,10,2}
M.disjoint(A,B) -- => false
M.disjoint(A,C) -- => true
M.disjoint(B,C) -- => false
symmetricDifference (array, array2)
Aliases: symdiff
Returns values in the first array not present in the second and also values in the second array not present in the first one.
local array = {1,2,3}
local array2 = {1,4,5}
M.symmetricDifference(array, array2) -- => "{2,3,4,5}"
unique (array)
Aliases: uniq
Makes an array duplicate-free.
M.unique {1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5} -- => "{1,2,3,4,5}"
isunique (array)
Aliases: isuniq
Checks if a given array contains no duplicate value.
M.isunique({1,2,3,4,5}) -- => true
M.isunique({1,2,3,4,4}) -- => false
duplicates (array)
Returns an array list of all duplicates in array.
M.duplicates({1,2,3,3,8,8,3,2,4}) -- => {2,3,8}
zip (...)
Aliases: transpose
Zips values from different arrays, on the basis on their common keys.
local names = {'Bob','Alice','James'}
local ages = {22, 23},ages) -- => "{{'Bob',22},{'Alice',23},{'James'}}"
zipWith (f, ...)
Aliases: transposeWith
Merges values using a given function. Only values indexed with the same key in the given arrays are merged in the same subset.
Function f
is used to combine values.
local names = {'Bob','Alice','James'}; local ages = {22, 23, 25}
local function introduce(name, age) return 'I am '' and I am '..age..' years old.' end
local t = M.zipWith(introduce,names,ages)
-- => {
-- => 'I am Bob and I am 22 years old.'
-- => 'I am Alice and I am 23 years old.'
-- => 'I am James and I am 25 years old.'
-- => }
append (array, other)
Appends two arrays.
M.append({1,2,3},{'a','b'}) -- => "{1,2,3,'a','b'}"
interleave (...)
Interleaves values from passed-in arrays.
t1 = {1, 2, 3}
t2 = {'a', 'b', 'c'}
M.interleave(t1, t2) -- => "{1,'a',2,'b',3,'c'}"
interpose (array, value)
Aliases: intersperce
Interposes a value between consecutive values in an arrays.
M.interleave('a', {1,2,3}) -- => "{1,'a',2,'a',3}"
range ([from [, to [, step]]])
Generates an arithmetic sequence.
M.range(1,4) -- => "{1,2,3,4}"
In case a single value is provided, it generates a sequence from 1 to that value.
M.range(3) -- => "{1,2,3}"
The incremental step can also be provided as third argument.
M.range(0,2,0.7) -- => "{0,0.7,1.4}"
It also handles negative progressions.
M.range(-5) -- => "{-1,-2,-3,-4,-5}"
M.range(5,1) -- => "{5,4,3,2,1}"
rep (value, n)
Generates a list of n repetitions of a value.
M.rep(4,3) -- => "{4,4,4}"
powerset (array)
Returns the powerset of an array.
M.powerset {1,2,3} -- => "{{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{2,3},{1,2,3}}"
partition (array [, n = 1 [, pad]])
Aliases: part
Returns an iterator function for partitions of a given array.
local t = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
for p in M.partition(t,2) do
print(table.concat(p, ','))
-- => 1,2
-- => 3,4
-- => 5,6
local t = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
for p in M.partition(t,4) do
print(table.concat(p, ','))
-- => 1,2,3,4
-- => 5,6
In case the last partition has less elements than desired, a 3rd argument can be supplied to adjust the partition size.
local t = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
for p in M.partition(t,4,0) do
print(table.concat(p, ','))
-- => 1,2,3,4
-- => 5,6,0,0
overlapping (array [, n = 2 [, pad]])
Returns an iterator function which provides overlapping subsequences of a given array.
local t = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
for p in M.overlapping(t,3) do
-- => 1,2,3
-- => 3,4,5
-- => 5,6,7
for p in M.overlapping(t,4) do
-- => 1,2,3,4
-- => 4,5,6,7
for p in M.overlapping(t,5) do
-- => 1,2,3,4,5
-- => 5,6,7
In case the last subsequence wil not match the exact desired length, it can be adjusted with a 3rd argument pad
local t = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
for p in M.overlapping(t,5,0) do
-- => 1,2,3,4,5
-- => 5,6,7,0,0
aperture (array [, n = 2])
Aliases: sliding
Returns an iterator function which provides sliding partitions of a given array.
local t = {1,2,3,4,5}
for p in M.aperture(t,4) do
-- => 1,2,3,4
-- => 2,3,4,5
for p in M.aperture(t,3) do
-- => 1,2,3
-- => 2,3,4
-- => 3,4,5
pairwise (array)
Iterator returning sliding pairs of an array.
local t = M.range(5)
for p in pairwise(t) do
-- => 1,2
-- => 2,3
-- => 3,4
-- => 4,5
permutation (array)
Aliases: perm
Returns an iterator function for permutations of a given array.
t = {'a','b','c'}
for p in M.permutation(t) do
-- => 'bca'
-- => 'cba'
-- => 'cab'
-- => 'acb'
-- => 'bac'
-- => 'abc'
concat (array [, sep = '' [, i = 1 [, j = #array]]])
Aliases: join
Concatenates a given array values:
M.concat({'a',1,0,1,'b'}) -- => 'a101b'
xprod (array, array2)
Returns all possible pairs built from given arrays.
local t = M.xprod({1,2},{'a','b'})
-- => {{1,'a'},{1,'b'},{2,'a'},{2,'b'}}
xpairs (value, array)
Creates pairs from value and array. Value is always prepended to the pair.
local t = M.xpairs(1, {1, 2, 3})
-- => {{1,1},{1,2},{1,3}}
xpairsRight (value, array)
Creates pairs from value and array. Value is always appended as the last item to the pair.
local t = M.xpairsRight(1, {1, 2, 3})
-- => {{1,1},{2,1},{3,1}}
sum (array)
Returns the sum of array values.
M.sum({1,2,3,4,5}) -- => 15
product (array)
Returns the product of array values.
M.product({1,2,3,4,5}) -- => 120
mean (array)
Returns the mean of array values.
M.mean({1,2,3,4,5}) -- => 3
median (array)
Returns the median of array values.
M.median({1,2,3,4,5}) -- => 3
M.median({1,2,3,4}) -- => 2.5