MVP List - YizheWill/dribbble GitHub Wiki

This project will be a pixel perfect clone of the dribbble app. I will try to accomplish the following mvp checklists.

1. User Auth ~1 day

  • user authentication will be enforced on both frontend and backend. Frontend will make sure the input is valid, and backend will check the auth.

2. Deploy on Heroku ~0.5 day

3. Production README ~0.5 day

4. Index page ~1 day

  • index page will show different content based on the login status. will have options to login a user and sign up a user.
  • index page will show most popular shots if not logged in, or followed artists newest shots if logged in.
  • on the index page, user has the option to directly interact with a artwork(like, comment, save, visit artist profile)

5. Artwork page 1-2 days

  • Artwork page will show a high def version of the artwork. and more details about the artwork.
  • other users can interact with the author and like / comment / save / share the artwork.

6. Upload artwork page 1-2 days

  • User can drop their artwork and upload their work to my media server.
  • Will try to auto crop the image to fit the unified standard.
  • User can give a title tag and description to the artwork uploaded.

7. Profile page 1-2 days

  • profile page will show user's avatar and previously uploaded works.
  • profile page will give user option to edit profile and update work availability status.
  • user can upload/delete shots in his/her profile page.

BONUS 8. Will try to implement a subscription option ~0.5 days

  • Subscription will give user privileges like more exposure and upload multiple shots at one time.
  • Subscription will give user the auth to put a price tag on an artwork.

BONUS 9. A search page ~0.5 day

  • Search artwork based on keywords or tags.

CRUD will be implemented on the images/comments/likes, backend logic will be finished along the development of frontend pages.