Files - YichenGuan6/BattleShip GitHub Wiki
File Descriptions
-"" Shell script for building the code project
-"" Shell script for cleaning the code project
-"" Shell script for running code project after building
-"out.txt" Output log of program compiling
-"contributers.txt" List of original Github contributers
Sub Folders:
Resources Folder contains all game resources
-"highscores.txt" stores the top players scores to display and update after game
-"SwinGame.icns" SwinGame icon image for mac computers
-SwinGame.ico SwinGame icon image for win/linux computers
lib Folder contains bulk of the SwinGame API which is used heavily in the implementation of the game
bin Folder contains the compiled program binarys including any need .dll file, a folder full of used resources and the executable file.
src Folder contains all coding files
-"DeploymentController.vb" Deployment of battleships when starting the game
-"DiscoveryController.vb" Battleship player attack phase
-"EndingGameController.vb" Actions for end of game
-"GameController.vb" Links and controlls other code files to run the game
-"GameLogic.vb" Sets up framework for playing the game
-"GameResources.vb" Links all game resources required before the start
-"GameState.vb" Enumeration to track which state the game is currently in
-"HighScoreController.vb" High Score interface and display after game end
-"MenuController.vb" Main menu interface
-"UtilityFunctions.vb" Useful functions to be called by other code files
-"AIHardPlayer.vb" AI for Hard Difficulty game
-"AIMediumPlayer.vb" AI for Medium Difficulty game
-"AIOption.vb" Interface for selecting AI difficulty in game
-"AIPlayer.vb" Class which inherits from the player class to create a more complex AI player
-"AttackResult.vb" Computing outcome of attack action from either player
-"BattleShipsGame.vb" Controls a large chunk of the game including deployment, shooting and swaping turns
-"Direction.vb" Ship direction enumeration
-"ISeaGrid.vb" Describes the grid which the game plays upon
-"Player.vb" Player class which can see two grids and check on its ships
-"ResultOfAttack.vb" Enumaration for the result of an attack in order to clarify the aftermath
-"SeaGrid.vb" Grid which is used as the gameplay area where the ships are deployed
-"SeaGridAdapter.vb" Changes the graphics of the Sea Grid depending on attacks, ship positions and water
-"Ship.vb" A Ship obejct to facilitate all ship details and actions
-"ShipName.vb" Enum for each type of ship available in the game
-"Tile.vb" A tile is a slot on the SeaGrid object which tracks what fills it and whether it has been shot
-"TileView.vb" Enum for tracking a tile's graphicical state
Unused files in repository