ScientificKeypad - YiZhang-Paul/Mock_Up_Calculator GitHub Wiki

Namespace: UserControlClassLibrary
Extends: Keypad
Implements: IScientificKeypad

Description: Scientific calculator keypad.

Constructors Usage
ScientificKeypad() Initializes an instance of ScientificKeypad class
ScientificKeypad(IHelper, IButtonTracker) Initializes an instance of ScientificKeypad class with injected services
Events Usage
OnAngularUnitToggle(object, EventArgs) when angular unit is toggled
OnButtonMouseClick(object, EventArgs) (inherited) when key pad button is clicked
OnButtonMouseEnter(object, EventArgs) (inherited) when mouse pointer enters key pad button
OnButtonMouseLeave(object, EventArgs) (inherited) when mouse pointer leaves key pad button
OnEngineeringModeToggle(object, EventArgs) when engineering display mode is toggled
OnKeypadEnable(object, EventArgs) (inherited) when key pad is enabled
OnMemoryAdd(object, EventArgs) (inherited) when specified value in calculator memory is increased
OnMemoryClear(object, EventArgs) (inherited) when calculator memory is cleared
OnMemoryRecall(object, EventArgs) (inherited) when most recent value stored in calculator memory is set to input buffer
OnMemoryStore(object, EventArgs) (inherited) when value is stored in calculator memory
OnMemorySubtract(object, EventArgs) (inherited) when specified value in calculator memory is decreased
OnMemoryToggle(object, EventArgs) (inherited) when memory panel is toggled (extended/shrunken)
Properties Usage
AngularUnit<int> get current angular unit
EngineeringMode<bool> indicate engineering display mode is on
ExtraKeysSuspended<bool> (inherited) indicate if extra keys are disabled
HasMemory<bool> (inherited) indicate if calculator memory is empty
IsDisabled<bool> (inherited) indicate if key pad is disabled
MainAreaHeight<int> (inherited) get main key pad area height
Methods Usage
DisableAllKeys() (inherited) disable all keys on key pad
EnableAllKeys() (inherited) enable all keys on key pad
EnableValidKeys() (inherited) enable all keys with the exception of memory keys when calculator memory is empty
LeaveBasicKeysOn() (inherited) disable all keys with the exception of basic keys
LeaveMemoryKeyOn() (inherited) disable all keys with the exception of memory toggle key
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️