OperatorConverter - YiZhang-Paul/Mock_Up_Calculator GitHub Wiki

Namespace: ConverterClassLibrary
Implements: IOperatorConverter

Description: Provides semantic mappings between operators and numeric values. i.e. mapping the concept of factorial operator to value 0, when the actual operator can be expressed in various ways such as "!", "fact" or "fac". Such semantic mapping avoids binding values to an actual implementation/representation of operators, which can easily break the system if such implementation/representation is changed.

Constructors Usage
OperatorConverter(string[], HashSet<string>) Initializes an instance of OperatorConverter class with injected services
Methods Usage
IsOperator(string) check if a string is an operator
IsBinary(string) check if an operator is a binary operator
IsUnary(string) check if an operator is a unary operator
ToValue(string) map an operator to numeric value
ToOperator(int) map a numeric value to operator
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