ExpressionFormatter.Format(string) - YiZhang-Paul/Mock_Up_Calculator GitHub Wiki

Namespace: FormatterClassLibrary

Description: Format expressions represented as string to human-readable format.

Parameters Description
expression<string> expression to be formatted, represented as string
Returns Description
string formatted expression
Exceptions Cause
NullReferenceException expression is null
ArgumentException expression is not a valid math expression


var unarys = new HashSet<string>() { "fact", "sin", "log" };
var formatter = new ExpressionFormatter(unarys);

Console.WriteLine(formatter.Format("8 % 4"));              //8 % 4 since there is no unary operator
Console.WriteLine(formatter.Format("8 % 4 fact"));         //8 % fact(4)
Console.WriteLine(formatter.Format("8 + 4 fact sin log")); //8 + log(sin(fact(4)))
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️