HW Mod SwB - Yenya/FlySkyI6 GitHub Wiki

Three-position Switch SwB


The SwB switch is connected to the CPU pin capable of analog input, so it can be replaced with a three-position switch instead of two-position one. It can also be handled as a six-position auxilliary channel in combination with the SwA switch. See the KeyAUX Channels menu.


  • A three-position switch
  • A 4K7 resitor, SMD 1206 or 0804 size

How To

Firstly, the schematics looks as follows:

SwB schematics

From this the R18 and R30 resistors are already in place, and it is necessary to solder a new 4K7 resistor to the pair of empty pads labeled C22:

SwB image

Replace the two-position SwB switch with the three-position one.

Add the third wire to SwB (the green one in the above image) and connect it to the connector J7 as described. Alternatively, it is possible to solder it to the circular pad upper right from to the connector - it is the same wire/net.


In the SystemExtraSwB+C menu, configure SwB for three positions: