User Stories - Yellow-Spotted-Lizard/SERLER GitHub Wiki
User Stories:
As a user of SERLER I want to have a sign-up form for different type of potential users so that users could provide their basic information as well as categorizing themselves to be a group of users (practitioners, researchers, students and so on) while filling in the form of the sign-up process.
As a submitter I want to be able to upload the bibliographic details of my study into the SERLER as a standard format text file, e.g Bibtex format, and the bibliographic information also can be typed in manually so that all bibliographic infomation relates to my article can be stored in the system and i can later retreive it.
As a moderator, I want to be notified by emailed reports when any article is submitted into the system as well as reminded emails for any pending list of articles in queue by the end of the day so that I will not be missing any article when submitters upload into the system, and i do not need to keep checking the system
As a moderator, I want to see the status of articles in queue either it has been previously uploaded into the SERLER or has been rejected so that I can quickly verify it to make a decision whenter it should be re-examined or rejected
As a moderator, I want to see an articile whether it relates to SE as well as its practices/methods are empirically evaluated or not, does it be published in a peer reviewed journal ? so that i would be able to easily identify its content and incorrect assessment could be mitigated.
As a moderator, I want to store the accepted articles into another queue which is ready for SERLER analyst to work on so that I can better organize the completed work and aviod rduplicate work for articles which are already done the assessment
As a moderator, I want to store the rejected articles into the rejected papers database so that the rejected articles could be classified easily and will be faster for me to make a decision either they should be re-assessed or just simply ignored.
As a submitter, I want to see the status of my article either it is accepted or rejected so that I will be able to know the status of my article without contacting SERLER's moderators
As an analyst I want to be informed by emailed reports when accepted articles are being sent into the queue by moderator for analysis so that I can plan to work on them and this also will ensure that i will not keep any article in the queue too long.
As an analyst, I want to input some extracted data from analysed articles into the SERLER database so that i can store significant data elements of an article in the system which is easier to me for review later if needs.
As an analyst, i want to select some data attributes of the articles from the input screen so that i can save alot of time by not retyping the same data elements while doing data entry of an articles.
As an analyst, I want bibliographic information of articles to be automatic transferred to SERLER when submitter submitted so that i do not need to do the duplicated work by entering those information again
As I am a type of registered user (practicsioner, researcher, students, so on), I want to search for relevant information of articles in the SERLER portal so that i can freely selecl multiple searching criteria in the screen in order to fetch the targeted information.
As I am a type of registered users (practicsioner, researcher, students, so on) I want to freely display and order information in the system so that I would be able to define the layout of screen by myself without asking help from technical person
As an administrator of SERLER, I want to manage all type of registered users so that user profile, user roles could be managed (accept, create, modify and delete registered users, moderators, analyst as well as modify/delete any user log in the system