Questions for final Sprint Review - Yellow-Spotted-Lizard/SERLER GitHub Wiki

Questions for final Sprint Review

  1. Describe the purpose of branching in GitHub and describe what branches you had and why.
  2. Describe the purpose of a pull-request
  3. Give an example of a good commit message and contrast that with a poor commit message in Git/GitHub
  4. Did you have any merge conflicts? If so how did you solve them?
  5. Describe the purpose of Continuous Integration and describe how you did it in your team?
  6. Describe the benefit of a continuous server like TravisCI? What is a YAML file?
  7. What is refactoring and when should you refactor code?
  8. What is the role of REACT, Express and Node, and MongoDB in a web application using this tech stack?
  9. With React, what is a component? What is the difference between a stateful and stateless component and why is a stateful one useful? What is a prop in a REACT?
  10. Describe what a non-relational database is, referring to JSON in your answer.
  11. What was Heroku used for in your work?
  12. What three pieces of information are useful in a user story? What is a common template?
  13. What is the use of a story board with workflow columns?
  14. What is the difference between a Product Backlog and a Sprint Backlog?
  15. What is the purpose of having a Definition of Done? Give an example of your team’s DoD.
  16. Is it ok to have cards with bugs or development tasks on a story board?
  17. What is an example of a non-functional requirement for your development work?
  18. What is the difference in purpose between acceptance criteria and unit tests and integration testing?
  19. Explain the relationship between product quality, project or development risks, and testing.
  20. What was an important risk in your team’s development work?
  21. A common format for acceptance criteria is Give...when...then...Describe the three parts of this.
  22. What is the structure of a user story map and what is it useful for?
  23. Scrum suggests you have a retrospective meeting – tell me what you did in them, what their value was for your team. Give an example of something you tried out that came from a retrospective.
  24. What is the main purpose of a sprint review?
  25. Explain the difference between being accurate and precise is in a sprint planning forecast.
  26. Explain the main purpose of a sprint review meeting.
  27. How often should you get in touch with the PO?
  28. Explain what a time-box is in Scrum.
  29. Explain how the use of planning poker could avoid anchoring bias and why you would want to.
  30. What are the axes on a burndown chart and what is it useful for?