Programmer's Guides - Yellow-Spotted-Lizard/SERLER GitHub Wiki

Here are provided useful information on programming techniques.


The 3 Most Important Skills to Learn Now to Thrive in 2019

25 Lessons I’ve Learned as a Developer

7 Habits Of Highly Effective Programmers


Creating an Organized React App

Create a Basic Like Button in React

14 Beneficial Tips to Write Cleaner Code in React Apps

Enhance Your React App With Undo and Reset Abilities

React Forms with Formik HOCs and Functional Components

Jim's Note: For Ass2 you will need to create some forms (e.g. a search form)

Formik has become the most adopted form management tool for React with the goal of simplifying the process of building and maintaining forms. Formik provides form context defining the underlying structure for managing a form with a small range of importable components and HOCs. With the problem of form context solved with Formik, developers are free to focus on the behaviour they are aiming to achieve from their forms.


Testing in React with Jest and Enzyme: An Introduction

Test Driven Development in React with Jest and Enzyme

Testing A Node/Express Application With Mocha & Chai


Beginner’s guide to OAuth: Understanding access tokens and authorization codes