Database Schema - YazanHalawa/webApp GitHub Wiki

Database Schema: Describe how data is stored in your database. Show your JSON document structure and explain what it contains.

#Database Schema: We have two schema modules.

###The first one is called Person schema and it handles everything that relates to users.
username - It is the email address that the user uses to log in and it is unique.

passwordHash - Encrypts the password of the user.

lastName - The last name of the user.

firstName - The first name of the user.

bdMonth - The birth month of the user.

bdDay - The birth day of the user.

bdYear - The birth year of the user.

gender - The gender of the user.

profilePic - A link to the profile picture of the user.

friendList - A list containing the friends that the user adds.

The JSON structure is:

###The second one is called wishList schema and it handles everything that relates to the wish list items.

ownerUserName - The person who's profile we are in

friendUserName - The person who is reserving the wish list item.

description - Contains the wish list item.

Its JSON structure is: