- YashwanthYarala/EasyPlot.Wpf GitHub Wiki


Public Properties[ Plot.Property_Name ]

1. Title_:

Title_ Sets and Gets the Title of the Plot.

2. IsReadData:

IsReadData Sets and Gets the Coordinates Calculating Method.

3. X_Coordinate:

X_Coordinate gets the x-coordinate of the pointer respective to the plot up to 4 decimal places.
=>This is a Get Property.

4. Y_Coordinate:

Y_Coordinate gets the y-coordinate of the pointer respective to the plot up to 4 decimal places.
=>This is a Get Property.

5. IsZoomLock:

IsZoomLock Gets and Set the Zooming Property of the Plot.
Default Value: IsZoomLock = false;
	IsZoomlock = true; //Makes the Zooming Function of the plot inactive.

6. IsRectangle:

7. MatchAxis:

MatchAxis Gets and Sets the Axis Matching or Synching functionality of the plot.
Default: MatchAxis = true;							
    Note: This Property is mainly used to sync the axis ticks with other plot as a reference.
AxisChangedEventHandler works only if MatchAxis = true;

8. YLabel:

YLabel Gets and Sets the Y Axis Label of the Plot.
Default: YLabel = “Y Axis”.

9. XLabel:

XLabel Gets and Sets the X Axis Label of the Plot.
Default: XLabel = “X Axis”.

10. Title:

Title Sets and Gets the Title of the Plot.
Default: Title = “Title”;

Public Methods:

1. AddGatePulse(double[] Xvalues,double[] Yvalues):

AddGatePulse()Method Adds Step or Gate Type of Pulse to the Plot.	
Used as : Plot.AddGatePulse([],[]);
Return Type : Void.

2. AddScatter(double[] Xvalues,double[] Yvalues):

AddScatter() Method Adds Scatter Type of chart to the Plot.	
Used as: Plot.AddScatter(double[] _,double[] _);
Return Type : Void.

3. IsGrid(bool IsXGrid,bool IsYGrid):

IsGrid() Method Sets the Visibility of both Horizontal and Vertical Grid Lines  the Plot.	
Used as : Plot.IsGrid(bool _,bool _);
Return Type : Void

4. IsXGrid(bool IsXGrid):

IsXGrid() Method Sets the Visibility of Grid Lines of Plot in vertical direction.
Used as : Plot.IsXGrid(bool _);
Return Type : Void

5. IsYGrid(bool IsYGrid):

IsYGrid() Method Sets the Visibility of Grid Lines of Plot in Horizontal direction.
Used as : Plot.IsYGrid(bool _);
Return Type : Void

6. GridLineThickness(double thickness):

GridLineThickness() Method Sets the thickness of the Grid Line of the plot.		
Used as : Plot.GridLineThickness(double _);
Return Type : Void.

7. GridLineColor(Brush brush):

GridLineColor() Method Sets the Color of the Grid Line of the plot.		
Used as : Plot.GridLineColor(Brush _);
Return Type : Void.

8. IsGridVisible(bool IsVisible):

IsGridVisible() Method Sets the Visibility of the Grid  of the plot.		
Used as : Plot.IsGridVisible(bool _);
Return Type : Void.

9. HideLabels(bool isXVisible,bool isYVisible):

HideLabels() Method Sets the Visibility of Labels of X Axis and Y Axis.

10. SetRectangle(bool isRectangle):

11. GridLinePattern(GridLinePatternEnum gridLinePattern):

GridLinePattern() Method Sets the Pattern of the GridLine.
    Used as:Plot.GridLinePatter(GridLinePatternEnum _);
    Return Type: void

12. PlotThickness(double Thickness):

PlotThickness() Method Sets the thickness of the Plot Line of the plot.		
Used as : Plot.PlotThickness(double _);
Return Type : Void.

13. Frameless(bool IsFrameless):

Frameless() Method sets the visibility of Frame Components that includes X-Axis tick marks, X-Axis Labels,Y-Axis Tick Marks,Y-Axis Label.
Used as: Plot.Frameless();
Return Type: Void.

14. SetAxisLimits(double xmin,double xmax,double ymin,double ymax):

SetAxisLimits() Method Sets the Limits  of the X Axis and Y Axis for the initial display  of the plo	
Used as : Plot.SetAxisLimits(double _,double_);
Return Type : Void.

15. SetYAxisLimits(double ymin, double ymax):

SetYAxisLimits() Method Sets the Limits  of the Y Axis for the display  of the plot.
Used as : Plot.SetXAxisLimits(double _,double_);
Return Type : Void.

16. SetXAxisLimits(double xmin, double xmax):

SetXAxisLimits() Method Sets the Limits  of the X Axis for the display  of the plot.
Used as : Plot.SetXAxisLimits(double _,double_);
Return Type : Void.

17. HideAxis(bool HideX, bool HideY):

HideAxis() Method Sets the Visibility of the X and Y axis of the plot.		
Used as : Plot.HideAxis(bool _,bool _);
Return Type : Void.

18. HideXAxis(bool HideX):

HideXAxis() Method Sets the Visibility of the X axis of the plot.		
Used as : Plot.HideXAxis(bool _);
Return Type : Void.

19. HideYAxis(bool HideY):

HideYAxis() Method Sets the Visibility of the Y axis of the plot.		
Used as : Plot.HideYAxis(bool _);
Return Type : Void.

20. AutoAxis():

AutoAxis() Method Sets the Limits of the Xaxis and Yaxis of the plot based on the Range of its input data.		
Used as : Plot.AutoAxis( );
Return Type : Void.

21. GetXlimits():

GetXLimits() Method Returs the Limits of the Xaxis and Yaxis of the plot.	
Used as : Plot.GetXLimits( );
Return Type : double[2]

22. GetYlimits():

GetYLimits() Method Returs the Limits of the Yaxis and Yaxis of the plot.	
Used as : Plot.GetYLimits( );
Return Type : double[2]

23. MatchAxisLimits(double[] xlimits, double[] ylimits):

MatchAxisLimits() Method Set the Limits of Xaxis and Yaxis limits to reference limits passed as arguments.	
Used as : Plot.MatchAxisLimits(_,_ );
Return Type : Void.
Note: This method Gets Handy during utilization of AxisChangedEventHandler in syncing the plot.

24. SetPanningLimits(double X_left,double X_right,double Y_down,double Y_up):

SetPanningLimits() Method Set the Limits for Panning .So that user cant pan the plot beyond this limits.
Used as : Plot.SetPanningLimits(_,_ ,_,_);
Return Type : Void.

25. PanningLock(bool isPanning):

PanningLock() Method Set the functionality for Panning .Set whether panning is active or not.
Default: PanningLock(false);
Used as : Plot.PanningLock(bool _);
Return Type : Void.

26. PanningLock_X(bool isPanningX):

    PanningLock_X() Method Set the functionality for Panning in Horizontal Direction.Set whether panning is active or not.
Default: PanningLock_X(false);
Used as : Plot.PanningLock_X(bool _);
Return Type : Void.

27. PanningLock_Y(bool isPanningY):

PanningLock_Y() Method Set the functionality for Panning in Vertical Direction.Set whether panning is active or not.
Default: PanningLock_Y(false);
Used as : Plot.PanningLock_Y(bool _);
Return Type : Void.

28. ZoomLock(bool isZoomLock):

ZoomLock() Method Set the functionality for Zoom .Set whether Zooming is active or not.
Default: ZoomLock(false);
Used as : Plot.ZoomLock(bool _);
Return Type : Void.

29. SetPlotLabels(string title,string xlabel,string ylabel):

setPlotLabels() Method Set the Labels of the plot that includes Title,X axis Label, Y axis Label 
    Used as : Plot.SetPlotLabels( _,_,_);
Return Type : Void.

30. GetCoordinates(int Round_to):

GetCoordinates() Method returns  the X and Y coordinate of pointer on the plot.
    Used as : double x = Plot.GetCoordinates().X;
Return Type : Coordinates Obect =>obj.x,obj.y.