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Stack Exchange related gist

Stack Exchange user all acounts

Stack Exchange API

Get user's full reputation history from Usage of /users/{id}/reputation-history/full Set the ID Number value as 5081877 for an id String value Yash-777. Get the token and send request to get JSON resposne.

When you direct access in Browser client then it responses as


Response:{"error_id":401,"error_message":"This method requires an access_token","error_name":"access_token_required"}

Get the answers the users in {ids} have posted Usage of /users/{ids}/answers

Best practices for REST API design

Common error HTTP status codes include:

  • 400 Bad Request – This means that client-side input fails validation.
  • 401 Unauthorized – This means the user isn’t not authorized to access a resource. It usually returns when the user isn’t authenticated.
  • 403 Forbidden – This means the user is authenticated, but it’s not allowed to access a resource.
  • 404 Not Found – This indicates that a resource is not found.
  • 500 Internal server error – This is a generic server error. It probably shouldn’t be thrown explicitly.
  • 502 Bad Gateway – This indicates an invalid response from an upstream server.
  • 503 Service Unavailable – This indicates that something unexpected happened on server side (It can be anything like server overload, some parts of the system failed, etc.).

REST API 2.2 response with JSON data API Questions

JSON Data{tags}/faq?site=stackoverflow
{"error_id":400,"error_message":"site is required","error_name":"bad_parameter"}
{"error_id":404,"error_message":"no method found with this name","error_name":"no_method"}

CSV Data

CSV File:


Possible errors: Error Handling

Error Codes Message
bad_parameter – 400 An invalid parameter was passed, this includes even "high level" parameters like key or site.
access_token_required – 401 A method that requires an access token (obtained via authentication) was called without one.
invalid_access_token – 402 An invalid access token was passed to a method.
access_denied – 403 A method which requires certain permissions was called with an access token that lacks those permissions.
no_method – 404 An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. Note, calling methods that expect numeric ids (like /users/{ids}) with non-numeric ids can also result in this error.
key_required – 405 A method was called in a manner that requires an application key (generally, with an access token), but no key was passed.
access_token_compromised – 406 An access token is no longer believed to be secure, normally because it was used on a non-HTTPS call. The access token will be invalidated if this error is returned.
write_failed – 407 A write operation was rejected, see the returned error_message for more details.
duplicate_request – 409 A request identified by a request_id has already been run.
internal_error – 500 An unexpected error occurred in the API and has been logged.
throttle_violation – 502 An application has violated part of the rate limiting contract, so the request was terminated.
temporarily_unavailable – 503 Some or all of the API is unavailable. Applications should backoff on requests to the method invoked.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️