3. Experiment with Quantumnet - Yarkane/Quantumnet GitHub Wiki

To understand how you can build benchmarks with Quantumnet, you can pen experiment_bis.py which was one of the files I used to get my results. The script start by including the code of the core of Quantumnet :

import pq_server_simulation

Then, we can process calls to the API with this single function :

res = pq_server_simulation.simulate(arguments["tls_port"], arguments["kex"], arguments["sig"],
                                            arguments["bandwith"], arguments["delay"], arguments["loss"],
                                            arguments["cpu"], arguments["nodes"], arguments["queue"],
                                            arguments["time_exp"], arguments["www"])

Here, all the arguments of the functions are in a dictionnary named "arguments".

Each of the function call gives a JSON which describe the experiment and its results. You can then dump it in a file as a JSON list...

json.dump(results, outfile)

... And process to the exploitation, which can be done in many ways, but some examples are provided in computing_results.py. Feel free to inspire you from this code to exploit your own experiments.