Using Quickgraph - YaccConstructor/QuickGraph GitHub Wiki

Using QuickGraph

Setting up your project

  • Add a reference to QuickGraph.dll to your project. QuickGraph provides a version backward compatible with .Net 2.0 or a .Net 3.5 version. The only difference lies in the support for extension methods.
  • Most data structures are defined under the QuickGraph namespace, algorithms are under the QuickGraph.Algorithms namespace.

Identify the vertex and edge types

The vertex type can be any type as all QuickGraph data structure are generic. The edge type must implement the IEdge<TVertex> interface:

class FooVertex {} // custom vertex type
class FooEdge : Edge<FooVertex> []() // custom edge type
class FooGraph : AdjacencyGraph<FooVertex, FooEdge> {} // custom graph type

That's it

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️