Lab9 Preview Report - YYBS/ee240500 GitHub Wiki


Programming microcontroller board


  1. The Parallax P8X32A Propeller chip, introduced in 2006, is a multi-core architecture parallel microcontroller with eight 32-bit RISC CPU cores.[1][2] The Parallax Propeller microcontroller, Propeller Assembly language, and Spin interpreter were designed by one person, Parallax's co-founder and president Chip Gracey. The Spin programming language and "Propeller Tool" integrated development environment were designed by Chip Gracey and Parallax's software engineer Jeff Martin.

  2. 整合開發環境(Integrated Development Environment,簡稱IDE,也稱為Integration Design Environment、Integration Debugging Environment)是一種輔助程式開發人員開發軟體的應用軟體。 IDE通常包括程式語言編輯器、自動構建工具、通常還包括除錯器。有些IDE包含編譯器/直譯器,如微軟的Microsoft Visual Studio,有些則不包含,如Eclipse、SharpDevelop等,這些IDE是通過調用第三方編譯器來實現代碼的編譯工作的。

Related parts of our lab

我們利用 Propeller C 來操作各種元件。

Questions about the topic or our lab

  1. 什麼是 SimpleIDE ?
  2. 為什麼Speech Synthesis裡,要用Synthesis這個意思?