Assignment 1 - YMonnier/AdvAlgoLP GitHub Wiki
Social Part - Mom got me a new computer
Implement the following pattern matching algorithms: Brute-force, Sunday, a version of KMP, a version of FSM, a version of Rabin-Karp.
Compare their all runing times on a chapter of a book, with small and large pattern.
Social Part Plus - "Flintstone's wacky invention"
- Include 'Binary' Sunday and both flavours of the FSM algorithm: FSM with engine by definition and FSM with engine in linear time (e.g. the pi function).
- Prove empirically that there can be situations in which
- Sunday is at least twice as fast as Brute-force
- Sunday is at least twice as fast as KMP
- KMP is at least twice as fast as Rabin-Karp
- Rabin-Karp is at least twice as fast as Sunday
Premium Part - "Jewish-style carp"
Devise a version of Rabin-Karp algorithm which will check if for a given picture M by N pixels large its top-right K by K corner is duplicated somewhere in the picture.
Your algorithm should replace slow modulo prime operations with faster bitwise mask &'s (as described in the class).
Do make sure that the RT is at most linear in the number of pixels in the text (in the same sense as in the case of classical RK).
Maximum space allowed to use except for the space to hold the picture and the set structure is O(M+N).