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Social Part
Triwizard Tournament (TT)
One competition in the TT is to get out of a labyrinth as quickly as possible.
Your task as the tournament supervisor is:
- given the labyrinth map, initial (current) positions of the three competing wizards and their relative speeds (in corridors per minute) predict which of them will reach the exit first.
- Assume that the magical wands used in the play are capable of guiding the wizards to the exit along a shortest possible path.
To execute the labyrinth:
git clone [email protected]:YMonnier/AdvAlgoLP.git
cd AdvAlgoLP/Assignment2/Social
- manage your graph into the
python Supervisor.py
To find the shortest path between the source of wizard and the exit,
I use Breadth Frist Search Algorithm by making the pi table(predecessor)
pi = {}
Q = Queue()
# Init
pi[positionWizard] = -1
labyrinth[positionWizard].visited = True
# Breadth First Search Algorithm
while not Q.empty():
node = Q.get()
for n in labyrinth[node].neighbors:
if not labyrinth[n.name].visited:
labyrinth[n.name].visited = True
pi[n.name] = node
# Path from wizard positon to exit
p = exit # exit position
path = [p]
while p != -1:
p = pi[p]
path.insert(0, p)
path = path[2:]