6. Troubleshooting - YCSRobotics/GrizzlyTime GitHub Wiki

Here's a list of errors you may encounter while using GrizzlyTime

No Network Connection

Explanation: This one is fairly straight forward. The application was unable to contact the GrizzlyTime google sheet. This could be because of no internet connection, or google is blocked.

Solution: Get internet

Invalid Credentials

Explanation: The user linked with GrizzlyTime does not have edit access to the Google Sheet.

Solution: Delete the tokens directory and reauthenticate.

Sheet does not exist

Explanation: A google spreadsheet is further comprised of Sheets. Sheets are basically pages in the google sheet. GrizzlyTime uses the sheets called "Current" and "Date Log". If these sheets do not exist, this error will pop up and attempt to create the missing sheets.

Solution: Press OK

Error creating sheets

Explanation: If the application failed to create the Sheets, this error will pop up. This is usually only caused if the sheet does not have the ability to create the sheet. Feel free to submit an issue with the log of that instance (located in /logs). Also you might want to verify that the ID pasted in the config.json is valid.

Solution: Attempt to create the Current and Date Log sheets manually.

Error connecting to database

Explanation: This is a general error and a github issue should be created.

Solution: None

Error configuration file not found

Explanation: The config.json file was not found

Solution: Press OK and update the config.json file with your credentials.

Error loading configuration file

Explanation: This error will show up if the JSON file has improper syntax (your missing a parenthesis, comma, or colon).

Solution: Delete the config.json, update with credentials, and retry.

Invalid Configuration

Explanation: This error usually shows up if you forgot to input your google sheet ID.

Solution: Update the config.json

Error Copying Json

Explanation: This is a general purpose error if the application could not create the config.json file. Please create a Github issue with the log located in /logs.

Solution: None