4. Configuration Details - YCSRobotics/GrizzlyTime GitHub Wiki
GrizzlyTime uses a JSON configuration file to manage user-level settings. The contents of this file look like this:
"sheet": "",
"handsFreeMode": "false",
"updateNotifier": "true",
"idLength": "6",
"idLengthFallback": "7",
"applicationName": "GrizzlyTime_JavaFX_Edition",
"grizzlyVerification": "false"
It is highly important that you do not modify key names, and only their values!
Key Explanations
sheet - the ID of the spreadsheet you want to link GrizzlyTime too
handsFreeMode - enable or disable prompting user before sign-in, does not disable registration prompts
updateNotifier - enable or disable notifying when an update is available
idLength - the length of user IDS
idLengthFallback - a secondary id system, for situations where multiple id formats are needed
applicationName - the name of the application, replace spaces with underscores
grizzlyVerification - enables or disables grizzly robotics specific stuff, keep disabled